
To break and mend

Renee’s P.O.V

As soon as that soothing feeling eluded me, I snapped back to my senses and at that moment, my breath came in short panicked gasps. Everyone murmured and I could imagine the shocks on their faces because of what had just happened.

The moon goddess had to play some tricks with my destiny because how………How could I be mated to the Alpha Devils?

Nerissa screamed. “This has to be a joke! You ruined my cake and dared to be mated to my ex and…..” Before she could complete her words, strong arms encircled me, lifting me to my feet and I was hoisted onto the shoulders of one of the triplet brothers.

The blindfold slowly slipped off my eyes and the bright light in the hall caused my eyes to squeeze shut and a groan left my lips while I was still trying to decipher which one of the triplet brothers carried me.

However, when a deep voice echoed through the whole place, I heard one of the brothers say. “Lennox, let me adjust it”

“Alright, Louis”

My heart lurched at that moment and fear clawed at me. The same Louis who labeled me as a murderer and how he couldn't wait to make me pass through fire because of what I did to him.

When I felt his fingers around my face, goosebumps littered my skin and I swallowed the heavy lump that lodged in my throat.

When Louis adjusted it, we soon left the hall and all I kept thinking about was the way the Alpha and the Luna would make me pay for this. Plus, why wasn't I asking any questions? Why wasn't I screaming and yelling at them to put me down? Why did I feel kind of comfortable around them?

I mustered the courage inside of me and managed to speak even though my words came out as whispers. “Where are you taking me to?”

I felt someone’s hands on my back and my heart pounded in my chest. “This is Levi, Renee and you have nothing to worry about. Just stay calm”


What was happening?

Could it be that they have forgotten about their hate for me? They should be throwing a fit and should have rejected me right there but they took me out of the hall.

Have they forgotten their threat to me?

Snapping me out of my thoughts, Lennox dropped me on the bench gently while Levi sat right next to me and Louis crouched before me. “Renee, I can’t believe that you are our mate?”

As fear gnawed at me, I nodded. “Yeah………” My words trailed.

“Did you miss us?” Levi who sat right next to me placed a hand on my thigh and the next thing that I knew was that his breath fanned over my ears. “If you didn't miss us, I did. I couldn't wait to see you again”

This was getting weird.

Lennox chuckled slightly, his fingers trailing my face as he tucked the strand of hair that fell on my face, behind my ear. “She has gotten prettier”

Prettier? These were the same boys that always tagged me as being ugly.

Anyway, I felt uncomfortable around them and somehow, it felt much more comfortable being humiliated by Nerissa and her parents than being around the triplets.

It felt more like I was a lost sheep, surrounded by wolves— Like a prey surrounded by her predators.

There was this unsettling feeling that surged inside my stomach and with the way there was this dark aura around them, I just knew instantly that I needed to leave this place and cut off things with the triplets.

The last thing that I wanted was to have anything to do with them and I didn't even want our paths to cross anymore.

I would also ensure that I rejected the scholarship because how my name ended up being in that ballot box was still a mystery to me.

Clearing my throat almost silently, my voice was barely a whisper. “Thank you guys for saving me out there and as for us being mates, I am sure that there is something wrong somewhere” I paused while Louis who squeezed my hands muttered. “Go on, we are listening”

“Hmmm, considering our history, I……” My words trailed. “I would be rejecting you three as mates. I Renee Smith, reject you three as my mates”

Slowly, cold shivers ran down my spine when Louis's hands left mine and in that moment, I stood up abruptly. “Don't worry, guys. I know my way around here……”

Why would they even worry about me?

Maybe the triplets were now mature because they didn't even say anything nor did they disagree. I imagined them being sad and for a second, I wondered why they would be sad.

It was what we all wanted. It had to be.

Taking a step, as I tried to find my way around, my head soon collided against something hard and when their scent wafted through my nostrils, I knew that they were now around me and it felt more like they circled me.

As I retraced my step backward, my back hit Levi’s chest while he pushed me forward, the three of them tossing me around till I fell to the ground.

Their creepy laughter filled my ears and I muttered. “Please let me go”

“Who gave you the right to reject us?” Lennox said.

I shivered in that moment but that was the right thing to do, right?

“I refuse your rejection!” Levi roared while I managed to stand up, crying. “Can you please stop? I have gone through a lot in your hands, I don't want anything to do with you guys. Please leave me alone and let me go” Tears streamed down my face.

Louis burst into a peal of hysterical laughter. “We want a lot to do with you since you seem to be forgetting that we have an unfinished business” The three brothers walked towards me while I retracted my step backward.

“It has been years” I choked a sob, fear creeping at the back of my neck.

“Years? You almost killed me, Renee and I have waited for this day all along, my brothers have waited for this day all along”

Levi continued. “The day the moon goddess would release you into our hands to teach you a lesson”

Lennox laughed. “The moon goddess did more than we expected, delivering your body, your soul, your mind, your heart into our hands until you are broken by us”

Levi laughed. “We would break you so bad that you would leave in regret your whole life”

“So, we won’t reject you. You will be the only mate of the Alpha Devils”

I screamed, my hands covering my ears. “No! I didn’t do that intentionally….. It was a mistake, I didn’t mean to start a……”

Retracting my step, my leg soon hit a rock and I was sent careening backward, my heart thumping hard in my chest when the cold air gushed through my skin and it soon dawned on me that I was at the edge of the lake.

With my hands dangling helplessly by my side, Levi soon caught me by the wrist before I could fall into the lake.

I didn’t know what I would have done if I had fallen into that lake. I didn’t even know how to swim.

“I…….” My words trailed when Levi soon released my hands and in that fleeting moment, I crashed into the lake.

Water rushed into my ears while I screamed. “Please help me”

The triplets laughed eerily before me while Lennox said in a cold hoarse voice.

“I hope that this teaches you a lesson that you can’t reject us because we would be the only ones to break and mend you.”

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