
Welcome to school Renee


Those bastards, after seeing that I was drowning, jumped into the water and pulled me out of the water and here I was, standing outside the Limousine that was supposed to take Nerissa and me to school from now on.

Yesterday night, Alpha and Luna were angry with the fact that my name appeared in the ballot box. They hurled insults at me for trying to play the victim and that was why I jumped into the water.

They hated that I had to attend the same school as Nerissa’s but because they wanted to save face before the public, they didn’t allow me to reject the offer and after pondering deeply on it, they gave me a school uniform and I had to go to school with Nerissa every day.

When Nerissa’s scent wafted through my nostrils, I was soon jolted out of my thoughts and she heaved an exasperated sigh, bumping shoulders with me intentionally.

Lowering my head before her even though it felt like I could break her into pieces for what she did with Kade. “Nerissa good morning”

I imagined her rolling her eyes to the back and she soon snarled. “What is good about the morning, you wretched fellow? You wanted to get back with me for fucking your horny boyfriend and that was why you slipped your name into the ballot”

“Now everyone is going to know that I have a blind sister…….” She groaned, almost screaming.

“But……But…..But…..I didn’t” I stuttered and she snarled. “Shut the fuck up, Renee! Look at you, you are wearing worn-out shoes that stink like debris! This is your first day at school, have some class Renee” When the door slammed shut, I knew that she had entered the car.

Sucking in a deep breath, I gripped my stick. Nerissa was supposed to be apologizing to me for everything that she did……but maybe, I wasn’t allowed to feel offended. I was literally at her mercy.

Entering the car, she hissed loudly while I found my way to a corner.

I had barely sat down when she said. “How were you able to manipulate the moon goddess?”

I froze. How in the world does that even make sense? If I had the power to manipulate the moon goddess, I would surely make her get me out of this hell hole.

My voice was barely above a whisper. “I don’t know what you are talking about, Nerissa”

“Oh yeah! You are playing the dumb fool again. How can you tell me that you have no explanation as to how you were mated to my ex-boyfriend, Louis, and his brothers? Lucky bitch, you had to ruin my day yesterday by having three men to yourself now”

The sound of her tapping on her phone’s keyboard echoed through the entire place. “Anyways, reject them! Remember the sister’s code, you can’t fuck your sister’s ex’s”

I almost scoffed right to her face. I couldn’t do that but she could have sex with Kade? Clown!

Fisting my dress, I muttered under my breath. “Yes……..”

If it weren’t for the fact that I didn’t want anything to do with the triplets, I wouldn’t even think of rejecting them just to get back at her. But, what do I do? How do I reject them when they refused my rejection?

Plus, considering how they pushed me into the lake, they were going to do worse things to me if I ever attempted to reject them.

How do I get out of this mess?

After a long moment of silence between Nerissa and me, she finally cleared her throat. “I am sorry, Renee. I shouldn’t have talked to you like that and I shouldn’t have done that to you yesterday…..I mean what happened with Kade. I just wanted to prove to you that he isn’t good for you”

She continued. “I know what is best for you so you should appreciate me for exposing him. Anyways, let us leave the past behind us, you know that being the Elites Arts High School requires a lot of things from me”

I was stunned into silence, totally at a loss for words to say and when she mentioned Elites Arts High School, I knew what she was trying to do.

One of the reasons why the Alpha and Luna adopted me as theirs was because of my talent. I might be blind but I was pretty good when it came to making sculptures, drawing, and painting.

That was the only tangible gift that the moon goddess bestowed me with. All I needed to do was feel and have a better description and the rest was history.

Unlike other territories which had other priorities when it came to education, Art was a big deal here and the competition of being the best student was so crazy that a student once committed suicide after losing in a competition.

Nerissa and Lennox during their junior years were the face of the school before the triplets left. The triplets in their junior year were very skilled, winning multiple awards.

Lennox majored in sculpture design like Nerissa while Levi, and Louis majored in painting and drawing.

However, Nerissa being the face of the school for years was all because of me. All she needed to do was tell me what to do and I would make the artwork while she would claim the work as hers.

I honestly didn’t care about her taking all the glory for my work, all I wanted was for my mum to be well taken care of in the mental institute. That was all that mattered to me.

Nerissa snapped me out of my thoughts. “You know that all the awards that I have is because of you and it means that you can’t participate in any competition and you have to fail multiple tests. If anyone ever knows about it, I hope that you understand what will happen to your mum”

Exhaling sharply, I muttered under my breath. “I understand. I have no plans of participating in anything because I know my place”

She laughed. “This is why you are the best sister Renee. Don’t worry, I will get you new shoes first of all, your lips are so dry” She stood up and walked towards me.

“Do you mind if I use my lipstick on your lips?”

I swallowed. I couldn’t even say no. “Yes”

Slowly, the lipstick brushed roughly against my lips while she gasped. “Oh my, I never knew that you were this beautiful. You should see yourself……sorry, I have forgotten that you can’t see”

I lowered my head. “Thank you”

She went back to her seat. “So we have a deal then and please don’t act like we know each other at school, I have a reputation to protect and for the senior year, I have to be the face of the school so I hope that you understand”

I forced out a smile. “ I understand.”


I had to wait until Nerissa came out of the car before I came down from the car. I had no idea about where I was going and it was so frustrating.

Adjusting the blindfold over my eyes, I heard people began to murmur and laugh at the same time. slowly, I deciphered that it was about me.

“Do you know that she is mated to the Alpha Devils and they hate her so much”

“I am sure that they would reject her”

“Who the hell uses blue lipstick? She looks horrendous”

“What is that horrible makeup?”

I froze! Nerissa used blue lipstick on my lips? I should have known that she was up to no good.

Cleaning the lipstick with the back of my hand, the security guard soon came towards me and I couldn’t help but be glad that he led me inside the main building.

I didn’t need to see the building before I felt the sophistication that it entailed. I imagined sculptures and beautiful paintings hung on the wall.

For some weird reason, I was welcomed with absolute silence even though I could smell different scents mixed, confusing me.

Taking another step, my heart almost jumped out of my chest and cold air gushed through my skin when someone poured a bucket of paint on me. At that moment, laughter erupted and I wrapped my hands around myself, my face filled with horror.

“Why…..why?”I muttered under my breath.

All of a sudden, when someone’s eerie laughter filled the whole place, I froze.

“Red looks pretty on you, Renee” I heard Lennox say, and fear clawed at my throat.

“Like blood, have you ever imagined being in a pool of blood, Renee” Levi laughed.

“A perfect muse, a perfect prey” Louis added.

No! Coming to this school was a mistake because I was going to be stuck with these triplets psychopaths who were thirsty for revenge for something that happened when we were kids.

Someone yelled. “Renee Smith is now the new prey of the Alpha Devils!”

The triplets' sinister laughter echoed through the whole hall and when I wanted to turn and run away, I slipped and fell and another series of laughter erupted through the whole place.

Crying, I cussed under my breath. “I hate you all so much and I hope you die!”

Pulling my knees to my chest, and crying out my eyes, I was soon taken aback when Kade’s scent wafted through my nostrils, and in the next minute, he pulled me up and yelled.

“You all are crazy for picking up on her. You are all depraved beings who deserve a special place in hell for treating her like this despite her disability! I hope you all rot in hell and anyone who ever lays hands on Renee would have to face me” Kade yelled.

As many different emotions swirled inside of me concerning Kade, he had just gotten himself into trouble.

The Alpha Devils wouldn’t let this slide.

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