
Chapter Forty-Six

Feeling heartbroken and lonely, a dazed Brooklyn walked towards her room to freshen up. Nikolas’s behavior had hurt her immensely. If he really wasn’t serious about her, why did he kiss her in the first place? Why did he sleep with her without her knowledge in the night? Why did he ensure that she totally fell in love with him? Why did he give her hope only to crush it later? 

She freshened up and changed and went to the kitchen to make some dinner for herself but her mind was still on what happened a few minutes ago. Even after she told him that she didn’t consider his age a factor at all, he left. A tear fell from her eyes and soon she slumped onto a barstool and wept, covering her face with her hands. She didn’t feel like making any dinner at all for herself. If only she had the money to go away from here forever! She repented not having gone away with Brandon. It was becaus

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goodnovel comment avatar
Hope he finally comes to his senses and acknowledges their relationship

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