
Chapter 3: Sweet Sweet Revenge


I pushed him away when it seemed I had had enough and shot him a glare. “Even if you are a fan of mine, you should restrict yourself from acting so irrational in public, Mr. Steele,” I said through gritted teeth to show how I was pissed at his behavior.

“What are you saying, Reina? You’re my wife,” Ethan immediately replied like a little boy who was trying to defend himself when he was already caught in the act.

Director Steve's eyes widened at the revelation while my body stiffened in rage.

“Ex-wife,” I corrected with a cold tone and smiled when I saw the overall shock on his face.

“You know each other before?” Director Steve chimed in.

“Yeah, she is…”

“Don’t make that mistake again, Mr. Steele. My girlfriend doesn’t appreciate her ex trying to claim a certain ownership over her,” Bruce slipped his hand around Reina’s waist as Ethan chuckled in disbelief and his eyes diverted to the hand Bruce placed protectively over me.

Nice one Bruce, I thought within me as I snuggled closer to him.

“Thanks, Babe,” I pouted and lifted my gaze to his face.

“If you aren’t feeling comfortable, we can leave,” Bruce pretended to be lovey-dovey while gazing down at me. I could feel Ethan’s eyes on us, and deep down, I could only imagine how enraged he was.

But why was he mad? He never loved me, right? He only sees me as a whore? I didn’t imagine Ethan Steele would want to be so attached to me when I get back. All I wanted was to ruin him and take away everything that he owned, but now, the narrative was starting to go in another direction.

“You can’t leave just yet, Miss Reina. I am yet to introduce you as the top designer for the Triple A project,” Director Steve cut in nervously, his nervousness stemming from the fact that I might abandon the project.

“The witch is back,” Ravenna’s voice sounded a few feet away as I turned my gaze slowly, knowing who I was going to see. But I was ready. Ready to face the wench.

A coy smile on my face as I watched Ravenna walk to Ethan’s side and slip her hand into his arm. “Hey, babe. I was looking for you all over. I didn’t think you…”

She shifted her gaze to land on me. “The duck has been transformed into Cinderella after hooking up with another man. How interesting,” she sneered with a mocking smile.

“Coming from a husband snatcher who still looks as much like a dumb fool as before,” I replied.

“How dare you, Reina!” Ravenna retorted as she tried to lunge at me, but Bruce came between us.

“If you dare touch her, I swear I am going to break that hand,” Bruce warned.

“Ethan…” Ravenna feigned a cry and tugged at Ethan’s arm as I walked out from behind Bruce to face them again.

“They are bullying me, help me get justice,” she whined.

“Behave yourself,” Ethan scolded instead as I watched in awe.

Ethan rejected Ravenna? How interesting.

Ethan moved his gaze to me again, his gaze softer this time. I had never seen him look at me like that. What was this new development?

“Ethan…” Ravenna still whined when she noticed the silent gaze Ethan and I exchanged in order to disrupt us.

“I won’t warn you again unless I’ll have someone send you home,” he snapped as Ravenna forced herself to behave and finally stopped talking.

“Seems like Mr. and Mrs. Steele have quite a bad history with Miss Reina,” Director Steve said again.

“We aren’t married yet,” Ethan immediately corrected while looking at me.

“But Ethan! We are set to get engaged soon!” Ravenna cried as I stifled a laugh.

“What the hell is funny, you bitch!” Ravenna forgot to control herself as she snapped angrily at me.

“You fought so hard to take me out of my home in order to have him….” I drawled and eyed Ethan disdainfully. “And still he hasn’t had the guts to marry you?”

“That’s only your wishful thinking!” Ravenna snapped immediately as I continued to chuckle. I didn’t expect things to be like this. Why haven’t they married?

I narrowed my eyes at Ethan, who looked lost.

“Poor thing, your man is so confused. Are you sure you want the garbage I left behind?” Ravenna turned to look at me. I raised my hand to stop her from slapping me before she could get the chance to.

I smiled as I watched how she struggled to remove her hand from my grip. Good, I thought within me in anger. I love seeing you struggle like this, Ravenna. But don’t break yet. You have to struggle for me to have my fun, then I’ll finally break you.

“You are no match for me, Ravenna. Not now, not even in your next life. So the next time you raise your hand at me, I will really break it. My boyfriend is quite capable, you see.” I smirked at her. “Unlike yours who looks like he isn’t over his ex.” I chuckled mockingly as I narrowed my gaze at Ethan.

“Ethan, listen to what she is saying! I….”

I flung away her hand, and if it wasn’t for Ethan catching her in time, she would be sprawled on the floor.

“Stay away from me or I’m really going to kill you, Ravenna.” I didn’t mean for that to come out like that, but I became extremely pissed when I remembered my child that had died because of her.

Tears tugged my eyelids, but I blinked quickly and inhaled as Bruce placed a protective arm around my shoulder.

“Are you alright? We can leave….”

“No, it’s fine,” I murmured in return. I would not leave because of them. They should be the ones to cower and hide from me.

“Ha….” Director Steve spoke up again, his voice tinged with nervousness.

“I don’t know if Miss Reina would find it uncomfortable to work with her ex-husband since the Triple A project is going to the Steele Group.” He looked from me to Ethan.

“What?! How is that possible?! I thought Butterfly, the famous designer would be in charge. How is she related to any of this!” Ravenna pointed nervously at me while I smiled.

I have never seen Ravenna so thrown off guard. She has always been in control while I was the pushover.

“Oh…Butterfly has always hidden her identity in the past. It was the last video call I had with Miss Reina that I got to find out who she is. But I didn’t imagine she is Mr. Steele’s ex…” He didn’t complete his statement as he deemed it kind of sensitive at this point.

“Oh my God,” Ravenna breathed in shock. “That’s impossible. This lowlife doesn’t know a shit about designs! She is a scam, Director Steve!” Ravenna freaked.

“Are you sure about this, Director Steve? Reina is just….” Ethan asked with a lower tone and paused as he shifted his gaze to me.

“Just because she is the wife you treated like trash doesn’t mean she is a fool,” Bruce cut in. “While you focus on hating her and frolicking with other women, Reina dreamt of becoming a designer one day. From childhood, she has always had a knack for designs. But you wouldn’t know that because you have never seen her as human before.” Bruce sneered mockingly at Ethan, who was still shocked.

“Ethan, don’t…” I started to say.

“I might really sue you for defamation, Ravenna,” I interrupted smoothly as she staggered backwards, unable to take the weight of the revelation.

“You’re truly Butterfly?” Ravenna breathed.

“I don’t need to prove that to you,” I snorted at her and shifted my gaze to Director Steve. “While we are at it, Director, I want to inform you that I won’t partake in a project that Steele Group owns.”

“What are you trying to say, Miss Reina? The Triple A project can’t go on without you,” Director Steve paled.

“Exactly my point, if you want me to be its designer, then take it away from Steele Group.” A satisfied smile crept on my lips as I narrowed my eyes at Ethan. “I really can’t stand working in a toxic environment, Director Steve,” I pouted in satisfaction seeing the shaken look Ethan had.

I will make you feel that heart-wrenching pain I felt in the past, Ethan. This is just the beginning.

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