
Chapter 2: Do you miss me?



As I catwalked with confidence, my suitcase beside me in the airport lobby, I scanned for any sign of Bruce, and there he was with a cardboard over his head that read “Welcome Back, Reina.”

I smiled and walked up to him amidst the crowd of people waiting for their loved ones. “Welcome back, Reina,” Bruce greeted, hugging me.

“You look….”

“Hot?” I winked, finishing his words as he nodded with a chuckle.

I smiled, flipped my hair backwards, and removed my sunglasses. “Of course, I can’t still remain the same old Reina they knew before.” I chuckled, and Bruce understood exactly whom I was referring to.

“I am just happy you are living well, Reina.”

“Living well?” I asked as he took my suitcase, and we headed out of the airport. “I am not living well, Bruce. Not until I have my revenge on those who killed my child,” I said with a chilly smile as Bruce opened the car door to the sleek limousine he had arranged for me upon my arrival.

As he settled in beside me and the car began to move, he turned to me with a worried expression. “You still want to have your revenge? You still have Andrew, Reina. Even though his sister didn’t make it, he did. Your son should be the only thing that matters to you right now,” Bruce said.

“Drop it, Bruce. You know more than anyone what I went through in the hands of those vile people,” I said bitterly. “If you hadn’t arrived early that day to take me to the hospital, I would have died together with Andrew in my tummy, and they wouldn’t have lifted a brow!”

“You took me to the best hospital and made sure Andrew was okay. You stood by me when I mourned my sweet daughter. You even sent me to the biggest fashion academy owned by your sister to fulfill my dream of becoming a designer. And now I have made a name for myself,” I said, gripping his hand and staring earnestly at him. “Support me in this last thing, Bruce. Let me have my revenge or I will never be truly happy.”

Bruce pressed his lips together and let out a sigh before nodding. The handsome blonde was the heir of the Sterling family, one of the most powerful families in Pentagon City. Although they weren’t as powerful as the Walters, they were well connected.

Bruce and I had been friends since high school, and I knew he had always had a big crush on me, but I didn’t reciprocate it. The only man I wanted was Ethan, the same man who broke me.

“About that thing you asked me for, I planned it with Director Steve, and it worked because the man is obsessed with working with you. He couldn’t stop talking about your previous works and how the Triple A project would turn to gold in your hands,” Bruce said.

“Really?” I asked happily.

“Yeah. There is a party being held today to introduce the Triple A project. He is expecting you there so he can introduce you as the main designer for the Triple A Project,” Bruce continued.

“Is Steele Walters eyeing this project too?” I asked.

“Yeah. Even the Sterling Group wants it. Every powerful conglomerate with a fashion house wants it. But for now, the Walters Group is first on the list. From the rumors, I heard it has been finalized that the project will be theirs.”

“Really?” I chuckled mockingly.

“The Walters Group has been going through some financial restraints, and only with the Triple A project will they recover,” Bruce explained.

“If that’s the case, I will make sure they don’t get it. How does that sound, Bruce?” I laughed out hysterically.

Just the thought of it thrilled me, let alone the idea of me in action. A few minutes later, the limousine parked in front of a five-star hotel, and we made our way straight into the hall where the party was being held.

“Pentagon City hasn’t changed much. Throwing parties over the slightest reason,” I smiled as my eyes roamed the room.

In the past, whenever Ethan had an invitation to a party, he would always take Ravenna with him. He never took me out. We never lived as a real couple except for the days he would have sex with me just to make me miserable.

“Reina?” Bruce’s voice snapped me out of my thoughts. “Meet Director Steve, Reina.” Then I realized the world-renowned director known for creating fashion projects that would always blow up was standing in front of me, smiling nervously as if he had just met a celebrity.

“Miss Reina. It’s finally nice to meet you,” he said gleefully.

“Same here, Director Steve. It’s a pleasure,” I replied.

“Oh no! I am honored to meet the personal designer to the Queen of Cilily,” he replied almost immediately. After my studies in Cilily, the city I had gone to after my divorce, I had won an award which drew the Queen’s attention to my works. She was enamored that she made me her personal designer.

“Oh…,” I smiled shyly at the pleasantries. “You praise me too much, Director Steve. Your works are top-notch too.”

“It’s nothing compared to yours and….”

“Director Steve?” That familiar voice that made my heart flutter cut into our conversation as I raised my gaze to find Ethan looking as handsome as ever. His dark hair swept backward in that Italian style, his blue suit clinging to his body like a second skin, and his deep blue eyes accentuated well with his attire.

Then our eyes met in that fleeting moment. I had prepared myself for the day we would meet. But seeing him now, I couldn’t control the whirlwind of emotions that flowed through me.

“Reina?” He breathed, staring in shock at me as I tried to muster a smile. A sarcastic smile, so he shouldn’t see that timid Amy he knew in the past.

“Ethan Ford, ” I replied with a grin. “How have you been?” I asked, not because I cared.

But instead of answering, he rushed to hug me and held me so tightly, I thought I was going to break while the others watched in surprise.

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