
Chasing Back My Stunning Ex-Wife
Chasing Back My Stunning Ex-Wife
Author: Fauwrites.

Chapter 1: Heart-wrenching Betrayal.

Heart-wrenching Betrayal.


I raised my head to find my husband, Ethan walked into the living room, arms tucked together with my step sister as I clutched tightly on the wiper I had in my hand as my heart wrenched in pain at the sight.

“You’re back….” I tried to ignore the sight of my husband being so close with another woman and tried to welcome him warmly but he slammed a file on the table, Interrupting me coldly. “Sign it.” He commanded as I saw the smirk on my step sister’s face.

My gaze diverted to how she held onto Ethan. This wasn’t the first time I have seen them been so close. I have had to endure the sight of them always together for the past two years even when he was married to me.

I bent down to pick the file and opened the driest page. It read Divorce agreement! The file slipped off my hands due to choke. “What the hell are you doing?! Sign the fucking papers and get out of my house, you filthy whore!” My husband breathed in rage, impatience tinged his voice as I raised my head slowly to look at him.

“I can’t….”I replied in a shaky voice. “I can’t sign it Ethan. I…” Before I could complete my statement, he rushed towards me and grabbed my neck in a state of frenzy. “Ethan, please. I really can’t….”

He gripped harder to my neck, making it impossible for me to speak further while I held onto his hand, looking to remove his hand but he was too strong, too angry. Just what have I done to make Ethan hate me so much?

“What makes you think I am giving you a chance, you whore?” He seethed. I tried to breathe with his hard grip on my neck as my thoughts drifted to the moment when the doctor had told I had conceived twins two days ago.

I have been looking for the perfect time to tell Ethan the Good news. But he has been out on a business trip. And now, he was back. But instead of me getting the opportunity, I was served a divorce paper out of the blue.

“I am preg…..” “Shut the hell up and sign the damn paper! Your presence in my life is so suffocating!” He yelled at me and flung me on the nearest sofa. I quickly sat up and fell on my knees in front of me.

I could hear the giggling of my step sister now. The conniving witch. “She is just so shameless. First she got into your bed in order to become the lady of the Walter family. Now she is begging to keep that position.” Ravenna chuckled mockingly.

I quickly sprang up from my feet. “I didn’t get into his bed intentionally and you know it Ravenna! I was also drugged too like him and I we ended up spending the night together!” I defended. Even though I have rang this in Ethan’s ears for the past two years, he never believed me.

“And why didn’t say no when my grandfather forced us to get married after that incident? Uh?” Ethan asked with a pissed expression. “Because….”I stopped halfway because I know he would never believe my reason.

This man, who has only seen me as a manipulator for the past two years won’t believe I have loved him before we had spent a night together. “Answer me!” Ethan roared as I flinched, forcing to hold back the tears that threatened to spill at that moment.

“Because I love you, Ethan. I love you…” “Another word about you loving me and I swear I am going to kill you!” He pointed angrily at me as I pressed my lips together in fear and bowed my head.

No matter what, I needed to keep my kids safe. First, I need to secure my position as Mrs. Walter or I’ll lose them. When the doctor told me of my pregnancy, he also told me the underlying condition one of the fetus.

It had a heart disease and would need a critical surgery that would cost fortunes. That was why I needed Ethan. Leaving was no option. I raised my head slowly to meet his gaze to find him pointing a picture to my face.

It was a picture of me with another man in a hotel room.


“Is you whoring with some man.” Ethan returned as I shook my head.

“I swear to you Ethan. I didn’t…”

“You want to deny?”

“This isn’t…I will never sleep with other men!” I cried out.

“Oh shut up! The evidence is right here for everyone to see.” Ravenna sneered in rebuff.

When our gaze met and she winked coyly at me. I realized this was her doing. Two days ago, I had gotten a call from Ravenna to come save her at a hotel.

Even though I and Ravenna didn’t have the best sibling relationship, she was still my sister.

The moment I had entered the hotel room, I had lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was in bed naked and I couldn’t help but think what had happened.

It seems Ravenna had intentionally set her up.

“Ravenna set me up, Ethan! She asked me to come to the…”

“Shut up, you liar!” Ethan slapped me as I fell on the sofa.

I immediately sprang up again. I would not be brought down so easily. I needed to fight for my kids.

If Ravenna wins this round, Ethan would never believe the kids are his.

Worst case, he would ask to wait till they are born to perform a DNA test.

What my child needed isn’t a DNA test, but an operation.

And Ethan would never help treat it if he feels there is a slight possibility that the kids might not be his.

This is how heartless he is towards me. But I had never stopped loving him even for a day.

Asides from that, Ravenna was going to do everything possible to kill my unborn children during the period of pregnancy.

“You never listen to me nor investigate whenever I get to tell you a thing! Why Ethan!”

“You have never meant anything to me! You are just a filthy whore my grandfather forced me to marry! The two years conditions he gave me are up, now sign the damn papers!” Ethan retorted angrily as my tears intensified, hoping he would just let it pass and listen to me.

“I have something to tell you, Ethan.” I said in a pleading tone.

“To hell with you and your words, Reina. Now sign the damn papers.” He pointed at the file as I closed my eyes and instinctively moved my hand to my stomach.

“Sign it, whore.” Ravenna’s sly voice cut into my thoughts as I opened my eyes slowly to find her grinning.

“It’s high time I take my place as Mrs. Steele. The position you stole from me.” She said slyly.

“I never stole…”

Ravenna pushed me before I could say anything as my tummy hit the edge of the table. A sharp pain sprang from the hit as my eyes widened in shock.

My kids!

“What were you saying? Hmm? Let me hear you try to claim Ethan as yours again!” She pulled on my hair as I cried, still reeling from the pain of her push.

She let go of my hair when Ethan gently asked her to let go.

That was when I felt something sticky between my legs. Blood! I was bleeding and my children were at risk of dying!!!

“Ethan…Take…me….to…the….doctor…..please.” I whimpered as I gazed up to Ethan while sprawled on the floor, weak and helpless.

Ravenna walked to me and used her heel to press on my stomach. “You’re bleeding uh? How about we intensify the rate of bleeding?” She intensified her weight on my tummy.

“Noooo!!” I cried but Ethan only watched as Ravenna laughed out hysterically.

“Let her be.” Ethan said to her when the damage had been done as Ravenna stepped back, looking angry.

“Babe!” She whined as Ethan rubbed her cheek.

“It would be a hassle if she dies here, you know that?” Ethan kissed her forehead to pacify her while I whimpered in pain.

When Ethan finally turned to me, I thought he had wanted to help me but as he squatted, he picked my second finger, placed it on my blood on the floor, and kneaded it on the divorce papers. My shock knew no bounds as I stared at him.

“I am going to go out now with Ravenna. And the moment I get back, I don’t want to see your filthy self in this house. Do you understand?” He said coldly.

“No, No, No, Ethan, your….”

He slapped me again as I fell, this time moving was hard as the pain from my tummy numbed me.

“Go to hell, Reina.” He said and stood up.

I watched with blurry eyes as they walked away.

“Please….” I pleaded for help continuously but none came.

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