


I was still sarong at the screen. Having no care anymore that he could see I as reading the text. He already knew. So, what was the point of hiding or panicking any more?

The only thing that was hard to do was getting myself to not to reply. That side of me that has liked him since I was a teenager said I should just reply. It wouldn’t be so bad. It is just a conversation. I wasn’t jumping into his bed and signing my life away.

The logical part said that was how the signing of life started. So it was best I didn’t even say anything.

With much difficulty, I dropped the phone and tried to focus on the movie we were watching again.

Jaiya got up not long after and headed to the door. I heard the elevator ding just as she got up and she quickened her steps.

I stared dow at the clothes I was wearing. I hadn’t even put on a bra since we were alone.

“Hope you don’t mind. I invited guests.” Jaime’s voice came form the entrance as she walked back in. With two familiar faces trailing behind
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