

Irish's breathing became shallow and rapid as her heart thumped in her chest.

"What am I gonna do now?" She asked herself as her muscles tensed up and her skin broke out in a cold sweat.

She suddenly became aware of every movement in the room. She needed to be more alert when it came to these people. She told herself. They were capable of killing her.

Irish slightly opened her eyes to peek at them only to shut them immediately, when she saw Adrian snap his gaze in her direction.

He began walking towards her. With the doubling of footsteps, Ashley was surely coming behind him.

She tried to steady her breathing and stop any movement that would show her fears and alert them of her wakefulness.

"She's still asleep," another voice rang. By how strange it sounded, Ashley assumed that it must be the doctor.

"She'll wake in no time."

"Thanks, Doctor," Adrian replied.

After that, Irish could hear the shuffling of feet and the creaking sound of the door opening and then closing.

By the time Irish opened her eyes, they were gone.

She quickly sat up and clutched her chest, breathing heavily.

Three hours later, Cynthia came to pick her up from the hospital.

"Alpha sent me to pick you up., Cynthia said, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

Irish didn't know what to say since Cynthia had been nice and all, so, she said, "Thanks for coming."

Cynthia held her hand and helped her up, "Young lady, there's no need to thank me. Helping you is within my job description."

Cynthia nodded. She wanted to say more but at the same time, her mind couldn't help but go back to the shocking words she had just heard from Adrian and Ashley.

They walked away from the hospital and walked towards the car in silence.

However, the silence didn't last long when Cynthia decided to bring up a conversation.

"You know, I kind of expected you to be sad when Alpha didn't pick you up from the hospital himself."

Irish found this interesting. "Really? I think that's even good news."

Cynthia shot up her eyebrows in a quizzical manner. "Why so, considering you're the Alpha's mate?"

Irish turned to completely face Cynthia who was driving. She thought of telling her what happened in the hospital and how scared she felt. But this was a new place and she couldn't trust anyone yet.

"Nothing. I just feel like the farther they are, the better." Irish replied. Cynthia could be one of their spies still and she didn't want to make any mistakes. At least, not yet.

Irish reclined back into the seat and remained silent till she went home.

When she got to the house, Adrian and Ashley were already having dinner.

Irish didn't want any drama, so she decided to tiptoe up the stairs, that way, they would carry on with their meal and not notice her. Or so she thought.

Halfway through the stairs, Ashley spoke, "It's very rude of you Irish, to not thank us for saving your life at least," Her voice was dripping with disdain.

"Sorry." Irish apologized and made to leave when Adrian's voice rang in her ears.

"Join us for dinner."

Irish froze.

It was an order that she couldn't refuse or she would face the consequences.

Irish glanced at Ashley to see an unmasked scowl on her face. Then she began her journey down the stairs, feeling uneasy because Adrian's gaze wouldn't leave her body.

She took her seat across from the couple. Unfortunately, she had already lost her appetite. She tried to dig in and eat but her head kept bringing back those awful memories.

Her fingers trembled as the words floated around her head.

"You have to kill her immediately after she gives birth to this baby."

"Fine. But I'll only do that after she puts to bed..."

Her stomach churned with anxiety. The people who were going to kill her were sitting across from her, watching her eat the food they prepared, watching her every move...

"Why aren't you eating?" Adrian's cold voice jolted her back to reality.

She made sure to pin her gaze to her plate as she replied, "Uhm. I'll start eating now." She quickly began shoving the food into her mouth, not caring how it tasted or if she swallowed each morsel whole.

Soon, Adrian's phone rang. He got up and kissed Ashley's cheeks. "I'll be right back, darling, let me pick this call."

He got up and left the table while answering the phone.

Irish saw this as a perfect opportunity to leave. At least she could excuse herself right now and never come downstairs for days.

"I think I've eaten to my fill. I'll go upstairs now." She quickly wiped her mouth with a napkin and began leaving.

"Not so fast," Ashley stated fiercely and sneered as she grabbed a knife from goddess knows where and began walking menacingly towards her.

Irish backed away in fright, thinking her dream of Ashley stabbing her with a knife had finally come to play in real life.

"I said. Close the deal. Now!" Adrian's voice sounded from not far off.

Just then, Ashley quickly slashed her own wrist with the sharp knife, then, she went ahead and forced the handle of the knife into Irish's hand.

Irish dropped the knife but it was too late. Adrian had already seen the knife fall from her hand.

"What's going on here?" He thundered a growl.

Tears pooled up in Ashley's eyes.

Irish was too shocked by the sudden change of emotions on Ashley's face to say a word.

The air suddenly charged with heated tension.

Adrian walked over to Ashley, a look of pity masking his features. He carefully took her injured hand in his and examined it. Her blood dropped on the marbled floor, staining it.

He shifted his gaze from Ashley's wrist and cast them on Irish. His eyes burned with suspicion and anger.

Thinking that He probably assumed that Ashley was right, Irish's heart sank into the depths of her stomach.

Ashley pointed an accusing finger at Irish, "She...she slit my wrist!" Ashley's voice, choked with tears as it echoed through the room.

"Why have you done!" Adrian thundered, his voice furious.

Adrian's face turned redder with rage when Irish wouldn't defend herself. "How could you, Irish?!" he thundered again as his eyes turned a glowing ember.

He stormed towards Irish and raised his hand to strike her.

Irish closed her eyes, bracing for the blow as her heart raced with fear.

The air was suffocating with tension as her silence became deafening.

Was Adrian going to believe her side of the story, or would he succumb to his anger and doubt her? Did she even have a chance to explain herself, or would Ashley's words conceal the truth?

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