

Anger surged through Irish's heart and she screamed, "I didn't do it!"

Adrian's hand hung in the hair. A flicker of doubt appeared in his heart. 'Did she really do it?'

He asked his wolf who seemed to be taking Irish's side. He knew his wolf, Orion, had always favored Irish and so he didn't want to take it's judgement to heart.

"Tell me the truth, Irish and I'll lessen your punishment."

Tears gushed down Irish's cheeks as she held tightly to her sides.

"What did I even expect in the first place? That you would abandon your gorgeous wife with a slit wrist and listen to me? Ashley slit her own wrist!" Irish asserted strongly.

Adrian had already put down his hands. He was confused as he stood between one woman with a slit wrist and the other with tears on her face.

Coincidentally, Cynthia was by the corner. She had only come to get somethings done, only to discover that there was something going on.

When Adrian saw Cynthia, he spoke.

"Cynthia. Take Irish upstairs now!" He thundered furiously, even though his tone was not as harsh as before. He watched Irish leave and he could feel the pain in her heart.

"Ashley baby, let's go see the doctor for your wrist." Adrian said as he passed his arm around her shoulder.

Ashley huffed, quickly shrugging off his arms around her shoulder, with an unpleasant expression on her face, she said, "Is that all you're gonna do? Tell her to go upstairs while you take me to the doctor to nurse my arm? She hurt me. She could do worse any other day. Can't you see that I'm hurt, don't you care for me at all?" Ashley let her tears flow as she shook her wrist, causing blood drop from it to the floor.

"Please calm down okay. I'm sure you would be fine soon. Irish is pregnant, besides we won't get anywhere with punishing her."

He said and when she wanted to say another word, he kissed her lips.

"Fine." She smiled, "You can take me to the hospital then." Ashley said. Smirking, she looked in the direction of the stairs Irish had disappeared and thought to herself, 'Bitch, I just needed you to know your place in this house. Adrian is mine."

Meanwhile, Irish let her tears flow immediately she got into the room. What had happened downstairs just went a long way to prove that her mate didn't love her.

It was such a pity that Adrian, her mate, wasn't there for her. He didn't love her, and this made her upset. Who wouldn't be in her situation?

Her eyes were already bloodshot from crying and her cheeks had turned pink. She picked up a napkin and wiped her face for the upteemth time.

This house was driving her insane and the only thing that could cure her depression was escaping this place.

Cynthia crouched down and placed her hand on Irish's. Looking her straight in the eye, she said,

"Please don't think too much about it. Stressing you could affect the baby. Everything's going to be fine."

Irish sighed inwardly. If only Cynthia knew what was going on, she wouldn't have given these encouraging words.

"Thanks, I'm sure I'll be fine in no time." Irish thanked Cynthia. She was the only one who was kind and genuinely cared about her feelings.

"Let me go make you tea. I'm sure you'll feel better after that." Cynthia said and began leaving.

Irish sniffled in, "thanks."


At 12:am midnight, the door to Irish's room creaked open and a head peered inside.

A creepy feeling engulfed Irish yet she didn't move, hoping to take action immediately she sensed any motive of attack.

Suddenly, the lights went on and she went still. Clutching tightly to the edge of the pillow as she thought to use it in her defence if anything happened.

She couldn't trust the people in this house now that she knew of their intention, could she?

Irish opened her eyes, only to see that it was Adrian standing at the door and looking straight at her.

Immediately, she got up, feeling all the anger inside of her. She had been hurting most of the afternoon and it was because of him.

Her gaze diverted to the wall clock and it was exactly 12:am midnight.

He was still in his suit, meaning that he had come here straight from work just to check on her.

Coming to her room every midnight after work, was had become his usual routine ever since she got pregnant.

Most of the times, Irish would simply lay in bed and pretend that she was asleep.

But not today. Not with how he treated her before. She stood up and began walking towards him, ready to give him a piece of her mind.

"Why. Are. You. Here?" She fired fiercely, making sure her voice sounded bold.

"What do you mean," His voice was hesitant and he sounded like he was irritated by the question.

He scrunched his nose.

"This is my house and I can be anywhere."

"Is that so?" Irish scoffed and closed in the distance between them, making sure to look him dead in the eyes.

For a moment, Irish was almost lost in those grey eyes of his, but she soon snapped out of it.

"I'm sure people like you do not know what people like me have to go through every day locked up in a room, knowing that my mother is dead and that my father abandoned me and I am nothing more than a tool to bear the Alpha's pup. I'm warning you and Ashley for the last time. If she tries to set me up and make things difficult for me again, I'll teach her a lesson and slit her neck!" Irish spoke breathelessly.

Suddenly, his eyes darkened. He moved her, and her back slammed against the wall. He now stood in front of her, right where she had been standing before, holding her waist tightly.

Irish's heart raced rapidly from fear and sick excitement. Fear of what he would do, and excitement from challenging him.

Her fingers trembled as she tried to control her breathing which was slowly getting ragged because of how close they stood to each other.

He tilted his head to her ears, lowered it and whispered, "darling..."

His hot breath fanned her skin, giving her goosebumps as her legs almost turned to jelly.

Her stomach churned with excitement. Her wolf, Elsa wouldn't stop whirling around in her head.

He let his fingers brush past her skin as he carefully tucked in the loose strands of hair behind her ear.

Irish's cheeks flushed pink, and so did the butterflies in her stomach.

He moved and brought his lips closer to hers.

Like someone in a daze, Irish lifted her chin, pointing her lips to his until little air was the distance between their lips.

Still holding her gaze, he muttered, "You'll do no such thing." Then he leaned in even closer.

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