
123. The Drive

Damon's pov

I ordered another cup of coffee, trying to calm my racing thoughts. Just as I took a sip, my phone rang. It was Julius, my top executive at the company.

"Mr. Damon, there's a strange-looking man in your office. He's claiming that he'll shut down the company if you don't get here in ten minutes."

I stood up abruptly, spilling some of my coffee. Who was this man and what did he want? I quickly paid for my coffee and left the cafe, heading straight to the company.

I couldn't believe it. Just when I thought I was done dealing with Hector's madness, now there was another problem at my company. I quickly paid for my coffee and ran out of the cafe, trying to make it to my office in record time.

I could feel my heart beating fast as I got into my car and started driving towards the company. I tried to calm myself down by taking deep breaths, but it was no use. The thought of someone trying to shut down my company was infuriating.

As I drove, I couldn't help but wonder who thi
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