
170- beauty & beast of gotham


My lips parted with a scream as I watched the rogue and the Alpha collide, the sound of meat slamming into meat filled the room.

“Please! Stop it this instant! Michael, you’ll hurt him!” I shrieked, flailing my arms wildly and yet not daring to approach the two wrestling wolves as they swung their claws in messy arcs, catching each other in the side and drawing jagged marks over their faces.

“ENOUGH MARKOV! PLEASE! Michael, THIS ISN’T YOU!” I cried, my nostrils flaring as the fighting wolves crashed loudly into the furniture, breaking and crashing into everything in their path.

My screams would have been better wasted on a bunch of rocks because the wolves carried on like they hadn't heard me and I clapped my hands over my ears, squeezing my eyes shut in an attempt to block it from my memory.

If I'm not here then it can't be happening to me, can it?

“Please, just stop-” I heaved, clutching the small bump of my belly and vomiting into the wooden floor beams when I caught
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