

Melinda’s POV

Aster fussed about me cleaning up the blood, changing my clothes, taking my pulse while I stayed unmoving like a corpse. My baby, our baby was gone. I didn’t even get to hold him in my hands… I couldn’t even see him once. He was gone as if he had never existed.

A strange numbness had come over me; as if someone had sucked the life out of me; leaving behind an empty hollow shell.

“How are you feeling now, Melinda?” Aster asked in a concerned voice, pressing her hand to my forehead. “Why didn’t you call me earlier?” Her voice held equal parts of grief and regret. “If I had reached you a bit earlier, I could at least try….” Her voice got choked and her movements froze.

“Why didn’t I come for an extra visit yesterday?” She tore her hair in frustration. “When you didn’t call me for an entire week, I thought that the symptoms had subsided. If only I knew…”

Wait! What rubbish was she spewing? Kramen had been reporting her every day with my worsening symptoms. The shock of her
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