


“Is there something you want to say to me?” Rose asked, readjusting her gown.

“Please sit.” He replied, pointing at the chair opposite him. Rose did as he had said expecting him to start speaking but about ten minutes passed without him saying a word or even making an attempt too. He only decided to break the silence when Rose adjusted on her seat.

“Well…” He filtered off as he allowed his shoulders to slump before he propped himself up on the chair he was occupying.

“So… are you ending the conversation now? You asked me to wait.” Rose said with a raised brow, staring back at him.

“Well…” he filtered off again.

“Are you alright? It's fine if you don't want to share.”

“No, I will.” He took a brief pause and then continued. “The last relationship I got into was three years ago and since then, I crossed my heart, not wanting to love again.”

“What happened between you and your partner?” Rose asked, her attention piqued as she stared back at him.

“Her name was Priscilla, yeah…
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