
Dahlia The Female Alpha Of Alpha’s
Dahlia The Female Alpha Of Alpha’s
Author: Becca Lou

Chapter 1.

Dahlia POV.

“Wakey, wakey hooman.” I groan, clutching the pillow tighter over my head. The one thing I hate is being woken up in the mornings, especially when I’m hungover to death. I only wish that Celeste, my wolf, would get the damn memo.

“Celeste, shut the fuck up!” I moan as she chuckles in my head. Damn wolf!

“Na ah, no can do princess, get your ass up. Today’s the day, we will find him. Our mate.” if I didn’t already have a banging headache, I would certainly have one now. She is bouncing on her paws, letting out excited yips and playful barks. 

“No, we won’t. Or have you forgotten? We don’t have one.” I snap at her as I roll over, pulling the quilt higher, when my hand brushes against something cold. She whimpers.

“Of course we do. Now we are 21, we will find him. Now, up, up, up shower, shit, brush your teeth and, for fuck’s sake, brush your hair.” I crack my eyes open and remove the quilt. I chuckle, still a little bit drunk, as I find the empty bottle of wolf’s brew.

Today is my 21st birthday, and it is safe to say I got carried away with the pity party I had by myself in my favourite tree. When I was 16, I shifted for the first time. Mom and dad were shocked that it happened, and it didn’t take a genius to know it was too soon.

My training has changed and become more intense since then. In preparing me for my future of Alpha of Alpha’s. 

The worst period of my life, if I’m being honest. My best friend, well, my only real friend, Malachi, who is 6 years older than me, wouldn’t speak to me, let alone look at me after I shifted. I don’t understand why the sudden change. I texted him and called, but he never responded, so I gave up. Some friend he is.

When I turned 18, I began shadowing my parents. The mighty Alpha Destinee and Alpha Titus Blackwood. Aura, my mom’s wolf, is the wolf that once belonged to our Moon Goddess, Selene. But still they are both great parents, but whenever I bring up the fact that they have twin sons and they can have the title, it always causes arguments with them both. 

I may be alpha born and Selene declared my future. But I don’t want it. If anything, one of the twattlings should take over. I hate it; I hate being here. I just want to live a normal life. Travel, make friends because of who I am and not for my title or what they can gain from me.

Sighing, I get up, standing on wobbly legs as I stagger to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I chuckle to myself. Fucking hell, goddess, I’m so damn attractive.

My long brown hair is a tangled and matted mess. I have mud and twigs sticking to it. Mud on my face and down my legs. I chuckle as I remember I fell out of the tree, landing in a muddy puddle. Good times.

I begin removing the debris as my head pounds before I stagger into the shower to try to feel more alive. 

“Come on, hooman, we need to find him. I think you may be pleasantly surprised.” I groan, banging my head lightly against the tiles in the shower.

“Please, just stop. For the love of the Goddess, just shush!” I snap at her when she clicks her tongue and sticks her snout into the air. Oh, here we go.

“You’re mean you know that. I have put up with your moody ass for the last five years Dah and today we could find our mate and you aren’t even bothered. What happened to you?” she asks, and I ignore her. Because even I don’t know the answer to that.

After my long shower and I feel more human, I throw on my yoga pants and sports bra. May as well hit the gym. I told my parents after what happened on my 16th that I won’t be celebrating my birthday anymore, much to their dismay. How can I when tomorrow is the damn anniversary of the war against the rogues. Many died that day, so it doesn’t feel right celebrating my birthday when the wolf community still feels that loss even 21 years on.

Making my way down the hall, I put in my ear buds and crank the music up, placing my phone in my pocket. I bypass everyone as I head to the gym. When pain begins to bloom in my lower belly. I bite my lip as I keep moving.

Celeste whimpers in my head.

“Cel, what is it?” I ask with a groan as I place a hand on the wall. My teeth pierce my bottom lip as I taste the metallic on my tongue. She whines louder. My knees give way and my breath catches in my throat. My hands move to my stomach.

She howls in my head, and I scream out as I fall down. My body convulses on the floor as my claws erupt as the pain moves to my chest, and I claw at my chest to stop it. 

“Mate, is with another.” She whimpers as I roll onto my side, blood coating my chest when the pain stops. I pant and groan out. My hands shake as a growl rips from my throat.

Werewolves have something called a mate bond, not only do we find the other half of our soul, or as humans call it a soulmate. It means they have been bonded to us by our Goddess. The one who is perfect for us. But we can also feel their pain, their emotions and can find them by the bond or their unique scent. 

He was with another? That means I know who he is. The pains of his betrayal, him cheating with another she-wolf. 

Damn him, he will regret this. I pull myself up with a growl as I stagger to my feet. My fingers dripping with blood as my chest heals and I move, my vision doubling as I make my way to the front of the packhouse and outside into the blinding sun.

I fall down the steps and land harshly, winding myself as the air leaves me in a long huff. I pull myself up and see the looks on some of the pack member’s faces they are whispering. The looks they give me show nothing but pity! They can fuck off as well!

“Oh my Goddess, she looks like shit.” One says and I snarl as I move forward.

“Poor thing never stood a chance, and she won’t now,” another said. They knew! They all fucking knew!

I take off into a staggered jog, pushing faster when I catch the scent as I skid to a stop. Celeste perks up.

“Mate, he is here.” She says, and I look around before closing my eyes and breathing in the scent of leather and something earthy. I let my nose guide me.

“He is close.” She says with a whimper.

I follow the scent to the training ground. Looking around for the one who it could be when my eyes land on him. Tall, muscular, with tattoos on his bare chest and down his rippling muscled arms. His dark hair, tanned skin, those eyes. The deep brown like dark pools of chocolate, I could get lost in them. 

Everything around me fades as our gazes lock, when I shake my head as I look into his eyes. I back away slowly. No!

I can’t accept this. I can’t accept him! He knew who I was to him! He fucking knew! He caused me pain! The pains of betrayal!


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