
Chapter 65

Song: ​Not going anywhere by Amanda Cook

Dani POV

Arthur’s hands caressed my thighs as we drove back to the hospital, we had showered and i suggested we returned back to the hospital after eating. Arthur had his gaze on the dimly lit road, the soft sound from the radio kept the silence at bay and i chewed on my buttom lips as my stomach did back flips. We had shared a kiss, not once, and i liked it. Arthur had again proved that he didn’t care so much of the things that had happened to me but that the only thing he was worried about was me, he was always looking out for me.

No man had gone this far for me, i didnt let any.. Ever since what happened with my family and giving birth to Ava, a strong concrete wall surrounded me and i made sure everyone stayed outside the wall- away from my vulnerable self, away fromt he woman who didn’t feel complete.

Now, i watched as my walls slowly fall because of the man who stood in front of it. The man who came with compassion and not a hammer to bre
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