


“She really went through with it, I guess I owe you $10k.” Enzo mused, staring at the newlywed in shock. “I’ll never understand these innocent girls have for men like Kaden, it’s like a wolf keeping a sheep as a pet.”

He was right, while I understood the appeal of opposites attracting, the couple before us looked like a tragedy waiting to happen and we all knew who the victim would be.

I never understood why people would put themselves in such a vulnerable situation in the name of love. Kaden was like an exposed live wire, the smallest stimulation would result in an uncontrollable explosion, and boy did he love to explode.

His wife, whatever her name was, was the model picture of a lamb. Sweet, caring, one of the women who actually cared about the charities they donated to and not the validation they got from society for spending money. Enzo mentioned one time that she ran a secret scholarship funding program for orphans and Kaden was able to get her attention by making a huge contribution to the foundation. A classic move from the old playbook and against my better judgment, I found myself growing curious about the future of their Union. I doubt she knew he was a member of the Mafia. I should reduce the amount of time I spent with Enzo.

“You know if you paid more attention to the leggy brunette two tables to your right, maybe you’ll finally find something to distract you from your obsession with other people's lives.” Was my dry reply to his incessant babbling.

His eyes traveled to the table in question, sending a bright smile and wink to her, he turned to me with a horrified look, “You can’t be serious, she looks like she’ll make me breakfast in bed the morning after.”

“That’s kind of the idea, something to keep you busy so you can stay out of everyone’s business.”

“And let y’all have your parties in secret, never.” He poured a generous serving of scotch into his glass as his eyes lazily swept around the audience, probably looking for the next interesting scene.

Soft careless laughter drew my attention to the flower tower behind me, sending my eyes in the direction of the sound.

There she was, I wasn’t looking for her or anything, I was simply making sure she didn’t go against my orders, I mean she drugged my clients, I wouldn’t put it above her.

She somehow managed to make the serving uniform look like something out of playboy. Her hair was put up in what looked like a messy but tasteful bun, leaving her neck on display, the first two buttons of her white shirt were left undone showing just enough cleavage and her long slender legs stretching to disappear into the skirt at the point her panty hose met with the garter belt.

And those heels, I wondered what she would look like in just her heels.

She shifted a little and I could finally make out the source of her laughter, Ambrose. He wasn’t even funny. He is a distant cousin of mine who loved to walk around with a stone face, scaring women and children with that hideous scar of his, what could he possibly have to say that was that funny?

“Wait a minute, is that……. Is that the druggie girl? Why is she still here? And is that Ambrose? He’s making a woman laugh?” Enzo asked in disbelief, looking at me for answers.

“Why don’t you go over there and join their little chitchat, maybe you’ll find out how funny he is, and who knows, your laughter might be the next echoing.”

“And my first question? I thought you said you were going to do away with her, she doesn’t look done away with in my eyes.”

“ I figured it would be stupid to dispose of 20 million dollars like that, demoting her would be a more humiliating experience for her.” I drowned the content of my glass in an attempt to soothe the sudden discomfort growing in my chest.

“Ah. Let me get this straight, a girl decides to mess with your business by drugging and stealing from your patrons and your genius solution was to demote her to the level of a server where she would interact with more men,” her gestures towards the duo to drive his point home, “as a means of humiliating her?”

“She would only be serving in my presence where I can make sure she’s not up to anything, I intend to keep a close eye on her.”

He cocked his eyebrows the same way he does when something piqued his interest. “I see, I never pegged you as one to run a rehabilitation center for thieving girls, I’ll be sure to send a few your way in the future, they’d probably benefit from your uh…… close eyes.”

“You’ll not tell me how to run my establishment and if you as much as send anyone my way, I’ll be sure to return them in a body bag.” I bit out harshly.

“Ah, so this is a preferential or should I say, an exclusive program for druggie then. I never knew mercy was a part of your many charms, I just can’t shake off the feeling of the minor inconvenience that might arise from her absence in the dungeon and her presence in the service rooms, she’s quite a looker.”

He had a point, her sudden absence would definitely raise eyebrows, I don’t do demotions or second chances if you don’t fit where I place you, I simply get rid of you and it didn’t help she had the attention of over half the men in this room, both single and married.

Luca also pointed out her absence in the dungeon was going to have a negative effect on the money but I couldn’t care less, it was either that or someone finally caught in her antics and took care of her themselves. Not that I cared but it would not be good for business.

No one would take a Don whose employees are cheating under his nose seriously.

I returned my gaze to the tower to find both she and Ambrose gone. I searched the room and had no sight of them.

“Leaving so soon?” Enzo questioned as I got on my feet.

“Not yet, I have something that urgently needs my attention.”

His gaze shifted from me to the tower, his lips forming an audible “ah.” A sickening grin took over his face, “Don’t let me get in the way of business.”

I didn’t spare him a word as I made my way through the tables, appreciating how the people got off the way at the sight of me in place of making small talk.

My first guess was the balcony, it’s where most of the people who snuck off during weddings met for a private catch-up. Empty.

The next stop was the rooftop lounge, no Isabella, no Ambrose. I was about to start knocking on every room until I found it them before a feminine sound from the restroom stopped me in my tracks.

I threw the door open without waiting to confirm if she was the one. The sight I met set my blood a good 10 degrees above the normal body temperature and all I could see was red, metal hot red.

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