


“Bella. Bella!” I opened my eyes to see Vivian hovering above me, her cute eyes peering deep into mine.

“What have you done this time? The caretaker said you should come to her office at once.”

Caretaker? Office?

I groggily pulled out the wrist watch I always kept inside my pillow to see a bright green 6:45am flashing on the screen. What could be so important by 6:45am and can’t wait till the sun was up?

My day typically starts at noon and consists of a workout and flexibility session to keep in shape.

I was always allowed to have my beauty sleep as it is assumed I was definitely spent from a night of letting men ride me like a horse and it was important I didn’t appear tired or worn as it would ruin the appeal.

Something about being disturbed before the sun was up in the sky didn’t sit right with me so I pulled my blanket over my head and told Vivian to tell her I was asleep.

“You don’t get it Bella, she said something about the Don.”

That was enough to snap my eyes open and wash off every bit of sleep in me. “What did she say about the Don?” I asked, sitting up. I’ve spent the past few days on the brink of anxiety, waiting for his next move or an announcement, anything at all.

Dante Morreti didn’t seem like the type to let go of things and for everyday that passed without him saying anything, my unease doubled.

“I couldn’t make out much, I just remember her muttering to herself about how you’ve landed yourself with the Don. What have you done Bella? I warned you, I asked you to be careful and weary of this people, they have no value for human lives much more the lives of people they purchased.” She scolded, fear and concern visible in her eyes.

If I was in a better mood, I would have teased her about how she was a perpetual mother hen but I had pressing issues to get to.

Vivian was the closest thing to an acquaintance I’ve formed since we got to the rave. Most of the other girls were either stuck up or in some sort of competition and the others were just too docile and spineless for my liking.

Vivian on the other hand didn’t care about any of that, she had accepted her fate a long time ago and just wanted to get by everyday in peace. She was the only Asian in our midst so so she belonged to the exotic palate as they called it, alongside a black girl named Lilith.

“I’m fine Viv, I’m sure it must’ve been a misunderstanding, “I said, getting off my bed and fixing my toothbrush, “I’ll go see her and we will have it all sorted out okay.”

My head was processing possible outcomes at the rate of 500 scenarios per second as I hurriedly fixed myself before returning to room to find Vivian still on my bed with a sullen expression.

I walked over to her and pulled her into a side hug. “Viv, I told you it was a mistake and I’ll be fine.” It didn’t matter how much I cared about her, I wasn’t telling her what happened or letting her in on my escapades. I learned very early to not trust anyone in this world the hard way.

“I would have believed that if it were someone else but not you Bella. You have a way of sticking out and it seems trouble follows wherever you go.” She sighed, leaning into my hug.

“Woah, so you’re calling me a troublemaker now huh?” I pinched her shoulders, earning a soft yelp from her.

“You’re not exactly the most peaceful person around and you know that. Besides…..”

“You, Miss Carter wants you in her office.” The same boy that took me to Dante’s office barged into my room without any form of courtesy.

“And you couldn’t deliver the message from the door or knock like any decent being would?”

I could feel Viv’s nails digging into my skin in an attempt to stop me from confronting him but I wasn’t backing down. Humiliation and disrespect from the ones who bought me I can stomach but from an errand dog like him? Never.

“It’s not like you have anything the patrons have not seen to cover.” He mocked with a sneer.

Even worse than the trafficking and the work we did was the way the men around felt they had complete right over us, our personal space and our bodies.

Despite the rules being heavily against fraternizing, some of the girls spent some time with them in exchange for little favors and protection.

“Exactly, the patrons. Unless you somehow tripped over a trailer load of cash and is finally able to afford a seat in the dungeon, you’ll knock before you enter my room.” I retorted, making sure my message was passed clearly.

I knew the only thing protecting me from them was how special my duty was, no one can touch me, I am not to have scares.

I am to always appear clean and soft for the patrons and patronesses as the case maybe.

No one wanted to pay a huge sum of money for a brutalized girl unless they were doing the brutalizing of course in which case there were girls specifically available for that.

“Get dressed and go to Miss Cater’s office.” He replied and left the room.

“Why do you always insist on drawing out the beast in these men, you know they have no moral compass and won’t hesitate to take out their anger on you. Do you see why I’m worried about your name being mentioned in the same vein as the Don’s?”

“Don’t worry Viv, like I said, it’s certainly a misunderstanding and foolish as I am, I won’t cross the Don.” I reassured her as I pulled on my favorite white tank top and blue shorts.

“I’ll see you in a bit,” I blew her a kiss and watched with a smile as she softly shook her head before returning the gesture.

“It’s funny how fast the world comes at you isn’t it?” Miss Carter started the moment I entered her office. “Not too long ago I was warning you about how this attitude of yours was going to get you in trouble and how you were no better than the other girls.”

She released a sigh and went through the file in front of her like she was searching for something. She didn’t offer me a seat so I stood, watching her. At the academy, sitting without being told to was a serious offense and would result in being starved, flogged or punished as they see fit.

“You’ll return the key to the call room and submit your costumes alongside. You’ll now join the girls in the kitchen in serving at the restaurant and running necessary errands. Your waiting uniform will be delivered to your room later in the day so take your time to clear yourself out of the waiting room.”

I felt as though someone doused a bucket of cold water on me in the middle of winter. I had expected a more elaborate punishment but demotion wasn’t one of them. What am I supposed to do in the kitchen? This was all I knew, it’s what I was trained for, I don’t know how to do anything.

“….Bella!” Miss Carters voice snapped me out of my panic. “Did you hear anything I said?”

“Sorry Ma, I was a bit carried away.”

Her lips curled into a condescending smile as she continued, “You’ll be joining the other girls to serve at the wedding tonight, make sure you’re done clearing out the room and in your uniform by 7:00pm. A car will be here to take you.” You can go.”

I turned and walked out of her office, I didn’t stop or return any greeting on my way. I just prayed Viv wasn’t on my bed by the time I got back so I could wallow in my misery alone and re-strategize.


I didn’t know what to expect of Mafia wedding, a few guns and grenades and possibly blood was up on the list but nothing prepared me for the beauty i walked into, it felt like I’d been transported to another realm.

The men in their expensive tuxedos and the women looking like they all stepped out of a model magazine. Hair lush, skin smooth and dewy, make up well set and dresses surprisingly modest.

We were a sharp contrast to them in our skimpy black dress with garter belts hanging out, panty hose and pointy stilettos to match.

The wedding was in full swing by the time we got there, I was in awe of the things around me. The hall looked like something out of fairytale with flowers and chandeliers at every corner, it was a beautiful sight.

Madamme C’s academy was in the middle of nowhere and we never saw anything or watched TVs, at the Rave, we were mostly underground in our rooms or in the club catering to the men.

The only lucky ones were the escorts, they got to see a bit of the world around them. It was my first time being out since the day I was brought to the Rave, maybe being a serving girl wasn’t that bad.

“You over there, light my cigar and keep me entertained.” A dirty looking man on left beckoned on one of the girls.

Alright, maybe I spoke too soon. Being a waiting girl was definitely bottom barrel low.

I carefully hid myself behind one of the flower towers, observing the party and checking the exits.

I had thought it incredibly reckless to bring girls you bought to the open, what if one of us got out and went to police but looking at the setting of this wedding and the persons present, you had to have a death wish to try anything.

“I wouldn’t consider leaving through the central door if I were you.” A raspy voice drew my out of my little moment of peace.

“Hi.” It was the only thing I could say when I turned to see scar face studying me intently. I might be a pro at delivering pleasure but I didn’t know what I was supposed to do with a man in the light of the day.

“Why are you here?” His asked, his assessing eyes not leaving my face.

“ I’m serving sir.” I replied, finally resolving to address him as I would any other male in the room.

“That I see, what I’m rather curious about is why you’re doing it.”

Our little chat was beginning to draw a few stares to us and I couldn’t wait to get out of the spot. I don’t understand why he chose to chat with me publicly at a wedding where he’s supposed to be socializing.

“I like to switch things up a bit.” I replied with a tight smile.

“I would believe you if I didn’t already know how rigid Dante can be.”

The mention of his name send a mix of fear and something else down my spine and I glanced around to see if I would spot him.

“You don’t have to be scared when you’re with me, no one would punish you.” He said confidently.

“I am avoiding someone, “ his eyes skidded to the redhead pretending to be checking out the flowers next to us, “how about you keep me busy and I protect you from wandering eyes and hands.”

It sounded like a fair deal and I took it. It was the lesser devil in comparison to getting my ass spanked and squeezed every time I served a drink.

I knew nothing about scar face but something about the air of confidence he moved with convinced me he was no ordinary member of the family.

I felt myself slowly relaxed into our conversation after he guaranteed I wouldn’t get punished. He even managed to make me laugh a few times as he shared some of his stories.

He had traveled to a lot of places and had so many stories to tell and as I watched him ramble off about his time in Spain with a growing smile, I couldn’t help the little voice in my head that whispered “Maybe not all men are bad.”

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