



The picture frame hanging on my office wall shattered under the force of my fist slamming into it.

What was that? What was I thinking?

I wasn’t a man that lacked discipline, my still throbbing dick would beg to differ but I know who I am.

I’ve risen to the top of the Cosa Nostra and instilled the level of fear and respect I demand because I always had my head straight and never let things get in the way of the familia or business.

You can’t tempt me with wine, money or women and I had an outlet for whenever I needed one.

First she waltz into my club and makes a caricature of my business, scamming my patrons and under delivering services.

Next, she turned me into a teenage boy creaming his pants at the sight of his first crush. Hell I was leaking by the time she pulled me out and I don’t even do precum, no girl was that good.

My nostrils flared at the thought of what her antics would have done to my business if it got out, these men were vicious and hate being cheated more than anything. I can’t fault them, loyalty was a big thing to us and I would burn any establishment that dared to trick me to the ground.

I rubbed my temple in an attempt to dissipate the growing tension as I paced round my table, hoping to get together before she’s brought in.

I had gone to the den to teach her a lesson and hopefully make an example of her to the other girls and anyone who dared to mess with my business.

I would go into her call room, give her the scare of her life and toss her out to all the men she stole from. They’d have their fill of her and anyone who enjoyed her enough gets to keep her, I don’t groom rats.

But she had to go ahead and bend around the pole like it was a forbidden lover, practically rubbing her pussy and delivering slow thrusts into the air like she was being fucked my some unseen entity and she couldn’t get enough she had to fuck back.


My palm fell from my forehead to my eyes, trying to clear the image that was vividly forming at the back of my head.

Charlotte promised she would be great and damn right she was. The move of her body, her soft parted lips and the way she focused on you like she could only see you in the crowd, isolating you from everything around you.

She was worth every penny I spent and in her short stay, she already returned the investment with interest but even the money wasn’t enough to free her from her crime.

I convinced myself I was following her in there to make good on my threat and teach her a lesson and not because a fire I had never felt before was simmering in my loins and a sudden feeling of possessiveness washed over me.

In hindsight, I did pay for her so she was mine, it wasn’t rocket science, she wasn’t special and nothing changed.

So why is she being brought to your office and not tossed to wolves to devour?

The stupid voice in my head taunted me.

That was solely because I’ve found a better use for her. I snapped back.

It would be insane for me to toss something I spent so much money on to a random person who would probably put her to work and give me a competition.

None of the other girls were as good as her. Their bodies didn’t glide like hers and their lips weren’t as soft and pillowy when they wrapped around your cock, neither did their throat squeeze the last drop of cum from you. I was certain they’d give up and cry for mercy when you pull their hair and fucked their mouth.

Their eyes won’t shine with lust and tears as you completely rearranged their gut nor their faces look so pretty und……..

“I’ve brought her Don.” A voice behind my door interrupted my thoughts, snapping me back to reality and I felt the anger rise to the surface.

I didn’t know what I was angry at; She, for messing with me or myself for letting her have such an effect on me.

“Bring her in.” I ordered after making sure my raging boner was tucked and well hidden behind the table I was seated on, we’ll have to talk about how he’s been an absolute traitor later.

One of the boys Luca was training pulled her into the office and left without a word.

She looked a lot different. Dressed, cleaned up and under the bright light. She looked younger, less devious and sultry and I could make out the blue of her eyes.

I didn’t let it fool me. Behind that angelic face was a mind capable of anything and if the way she looked at me like she was completely unaffected by what happened minutes ago was enough evidence to go by, she wasn’t a blonde bimbo, this one was smart, calculated and quick on her wits. Charlotte must have allowed her a lot of liberties and her looks must’ve gotten her out of a lot of trouble.

My cock twitched at the sight and I mentally scolded myself.

“Sit.” It was time to get to business before I let myself get distracted.

She observed meom suspiciously for a bit before settling into the seat across my table.

“What is your name?” I was stalling, I didn’t know what I planned to do with her yet, this was an impromptu decision on my side and I never made impromptu decisions.


“I mean your actual name, not the performance name.”

Her eyebrows shut up slightly as if to say “are you for real.” Before she replied. “Isabella Blanchett, my name is Isabella Blanchett and I’m European, it’s all in the file they give you when you purchase a person.”

Her voice wasn’t sultry like it was in the room, it was almost breathy; like she had a slight rough throat but not in a bad way, in a hot way that shot flames through me.

I didn’t miss the subtle jab in her answer, she had no fear, no respect or loyalty and that bothered me. Most of the girls would shake before me and wouldn’t look at me or go as far as looking into my eyes and maintaining eye contact as she was currently doing.

Suddenly, an idea came to me. How best to deal with a proud sex toy who thinks she’s better than everyone because of the way she looks and how differently she gets treated than you reduce her to a mediocre serving girl.

She would run to the kitchen and stand in the heat of the room as the next order is prepared, she would stand on her legs in very uncomfortable shoes with little to no clothing and be paraded until is dismissed while someone else takes up her position.

This was the lowest position a girl could get and it was reserved for the physically unappealing, older and cheaper girls.

I would break her slowly and painfully and when I’m done, she’ll understand why my name is only said in whispers.

“Hand it over.” I stretched out my hand, waiting for her to put her stack into my hand.

She emptied the bottle into my palms without questions. Smart girl, she didn’t pretend.

Her eyes held mine, waiting for what was to come. I could see fear behind her confident facade, it didn't matter how bad she tried to hide it, I was a bloodhound with fear and I would sniff it anywhere, I fed on it.

I let the silence hang heavily between us as I observed her, noticing her growing discomfort. I had no intention of addressing her, I would let her rot in the madness of her thoughts.

My gaze travelled from her face to her neck, she had the prettiest neck if a neck could be called pretty. Long, bronze and slender, inviting me to wrap my fingers around it and bring her to the brink of death.

Would she beg? My fingers twitched in anticipation as a sharp image of my hands wrapped around her neck flashed behind my eyes.

I balled my fingers into a fist in an attempt to crush the tingles. Her throat bobbed as she swallowed and my eyes followed hers to the spot my hands were balled into a fist on the table, baring the veins on my forearm.

And why the fuck was my office hot? Was the air conditioner broken? God help me if Luca was up to one of his stupid pranks because I’d kill and bury him this time.

I sucked my teeth when my eyes found the AC to be very active and at the chilling temperature of 12 degrees.

“Fuck me.” I muttered, clearing my throat to look at Isabella whose eyes snapped before returning to mine, the calm confidence returned but I didn’t miss how tightly her ankles were crossed or thighs pressed tightly together.

“Get out!.” I ordered, my voice low and warning, sending her up on foot and practically bolting out of the room. I knew it wasn’t my tone or fear of me that sent her racing.

“Fuck!” Enzo cursed, shoving me away and pulling off his head gear. “Do you want to kill me?”

“It’s a boxing match, you don’t expect me to go easy on you.”

“Exactly, a boxing match, not the WWE or a fight to death kind of situation.” He cradled his upper arm, sending me a glare. “If I find out you as much as sprained anything, I’m coming for you Achilles heel.”

“Quit being a pussy Lorenzo, if you wanted a pamper session you should’ve just gone to the spa, it’s a few rooms away.” I replied dryly, taking off my boxing gloves and cracking my neck.

After what happened at the club, I needed to release steam and tension and what better way than to spar with my dearest friend.

Granted I might’ve become a bit distracted and confused him for my dick and the need to beat some sense into the useless organ.

“…..Dante, have you been listening to me?”

“Yeah I have, go on.”

“What was the last thing I said?” He asked suspiciously.

“You sprouting a boner on how you can’t understand why a girl like Julia would want to marry a man like Kaden unless there’s a gun to her head or something hidden.”

“Perfect, you were paying attention,” he continued as he pulled off his shirt “five thousand dollars says she’s going to be no show or run out of the wedding.” He grinned like a Cheshire Cat.

Enzo has always had the knack for mischief and when he got too bored, he created one for his personal enjoyment.

Most people never spot how dangerous he was behind his easy going attitude and boyish charms and by the time they caught on, it was always too late.

Sometimes I was convinced he has a mental disorder. I did my fair share of my job and I can’t deny how much feeling bones crushing beneath my fist brought a level of thrill to me, Enzo though, was something else entirely.

He enjoyed to watch others torture themselves, he didn’t like to get his hands dirty but he’d put on a nice pair of surgical gloves and gouge out your eyes with a smile while telling you a bedtime story if he absolutely had to. Least I forget, he does it in a full three piece suit with the tie and cufflinks to match.

If he wasn’t my longest and only friend, I was certain we’d be rivals and he’d probably be the only person I would be mildly scared of.

Friendship with him had its perks, he had dirt on everyone and if he couldn’t find dirt on you, he’d create dirt and push you into it. I kept my business mess and drama free, but I was certain he probably had a file on me.

“I’m not interested in your games, I have more pressing issues.” I slapped his betting had away from my face and packed my sporting gear into my bag, putting the laundry aside for the dry cleaner.

“I figured.” He stated, staring at me intently like he knew something but decided against it. Good for him because knocking a few teeth out didn’t sound so bad to me at the moment. “But you’ll be at the weeding right?” He asked when he was done with his assessment.

“I have no choice.” I deadpanned.

“Good, we’ll see who wins the bet and good luck with whatever you have going on, I feel you’ll be needing it.” With that, he walked out.

I heaved a sigh and packed the rest of my stuff, tomorrow was going to be a busy day and I’ll be needing all the luck I can get.

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