
Chapter 47: Barely Healing

Healing from those tormented days, even with the presence of sex and comfort, is not instantaneous.

Yes, she has a lavish apartment and an own personal attendant or maid whatever that female Shadow Rose Beta is. But deep inside, Sasha felt lonely again.

Alone. Sad.

The elegance of her room should be enough to drown those unrelenting emotions.

She’s free now. That’s what all matters anyway.

And if she remains a Slave despite her erotic connection with Alpha Alain…no, he won’t make her a Slave. After last night. After everything.

The hunger in Alain’s eyes, the longing…he’s after Sasha. Something that has to do with her. She knew it, deep in her bones. Alain will not betray her.

So many people have betrayed her trust. Klea. Ansel. Perhaps the Moon Goddess betrayed her too considering she’s the one who weaves the fate for each of them.

‘I wonder if Alpha Alain is my mate.’ Well, it will not be so hard to answer that if Sasha only had her wolf.
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