

Eden pov

For the rest of the evening, at least until dinner time came around, Lucius was calm and really seemed to enjoy himself. He insisted we head downstairs for dinner, despite how many times I told him I would bring him food.

When we sat at the table, I noticed the insane lack of happy faces around it. Titus joined us shortly, but I still felt like something was missing.

“Where are the rest of the people?” I asked Lucius, interrupting the conversation he had started with Titus.

“They are in the kitchen, having dinner the same as we are, love,” Lucius replied.

A frown, probably an ugly one, instantly appeared on my face. “Why?”

Both Lucius and Titus thought for a moment and then just shrugged. “No idea, that has been the system ever since the last King, I suppose. We have been so used to it that I never questioned it,” Titus explained.

No, that didn’t sit well with me. It was one thing to stand above everyone, but all those people spent their days working to improve the life
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Comments (3)
goodnovel comment avatar
Tammy DeRoche
For someone who has been physically and emotionally abused most of her life, Eden seems a little snobbish at times. 🫤
goodnovel comment avatar
Tiffany Bryant
Man I hate I can’t put emojis that’s shocked face :0
goodnovel comment avatar
Aye Flowers
cant stop reading, im hooked on Eden and Lucius's story.

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