
56: Is this Incest?


The auctions for the ladies was over in the next ten minutes, and no one else got a quarter of the bids I received. The lights went out and we were led towards the next hall where the auction for artworks was meant to take place and I immediately started to scan the entire place for Blake, I needed to share the shock pulsing through me with someone else.

“Hey star girl,” a tap on my shoulder indicated that Blake had beaten me to the chase and found me first.

He was holding two glasses of red wine and I quickly reached for one and gobbled about half of the contents before letting out a sigh.

“Thank you, I needed that,” I chuckled softly when he smiled and nodded, “I still feel like that auction was a dream and I needed something to drag me back to reality.”

“It wasn’t a dream, sweetheart, you’re definitely worth every dime that was auctioned for you,” he was looking at me like he believed every word he’d just uttered with an unwavering conviction.

Maybe it was the liquor, but
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