

Lucas's pov:

I watched her pass across gently or rather carefully to sit on a couch. I see what she is doing and trust me, I can't help but chuckle. Seriously?

She walked so carefully as though she was stiffening her hips from moving. Who does that? Was she afraid I might stare at her hips? Though I admit she was sexy and more attractive than my stripers on natural skin, I'm not a pervert!

Or am I?

I had my eyes glued on her against my wish, and couldn't take my eyes off her emerald colored iris.

Damn! How can one have such beautiful eyes?

Our eyes locked suddenly, I smirked though I felt my heart skip a beat or was I just noticing it now? she looked away with a shocked expression. I actually caught her staring or rather, we caught each other staring.

But then, she was just inches away from me, so how can I not stare?

five more steps and our body did collide.

I decided to avert my gaze from her and focus on my money. After all, I paid for the striping service.

The dancers were seductive, displaying their moves in an erotic manner. They swayed and twerked with hands gliding on their smooth skin slowly.

I winked at them and they smiled. The bartender angel seemed to be enjoying the show as well. I liked it.

Again, my focus diverted. Fuck! I was really trying hard not to drool but I found myself admiring her seating on that damn couch.

Her appearance filled the couch with grace and for a moment, I wished I sat there... with her.

She seemed lost in watching the show, I don't know why but I felt jealous. How can she act like I'm not here? Am I invisible or what? does she even realize it's my couch she's sitting on? damnit!

"Hey, bar girl! get me a Red Zinfandels wine," I ordered her, she should at least do her job.

Or maybe I just wanted her to notice me.

"huh?" she blinked as if a part of her memory was erased.

Did she forget she was supposed to attend to my drinks and not drool over some stripper show?

"I said get my drink," I pointed at a drink at the counter. I hate to repeat myself but I did it...for her. Cool right?

"ohh, yes.... Let me get it," She rolled her eyes in my direction, nodding. That part of her memory seemed to be restored again.

She murmured as she walked towards the counter in confusion.

In a minute she stood in front of me, lowered herself and took out an opener inorder to serve the drink.

I admit, I couldn't take my eyes off her body. This is the first time we've been so close so far and her scent was alluring. I just wanted her there, for some more time.

I could feel my skin hairs raise as though an electric current was nearby. How was she doing this to me? my heart beat increased in split seconds and her sweet tantalizing scent blessed my nostrils.

She was struggling to pop the wine, her hands were trembling and if care wasn't taken, the bottle could slip.

Why was she shaking? Is she afraid of me? Do I scare her?

Oh God! Why do I suddenly care how she feels? I shouldn't be feeling this.

A bartender really? What bar girl doesn't know how to pop a drink?

Except she isn't one.

"Let me have it. Just..get lost," I grabbed the bottle harshly and our fingers touched.

I felt it. I don't know what it was but it sure was enough to give me an erection. Thank goodness she didn't notice. When did I become this weak?

A single touch which off course happened by mistake and here I am wanting more. I wished to pull off that beautiful white mask, to see the face that gives me shivers and by the way, where did all these butterflies emerge from?

I gazed into her eyes, she seemed paralyzed because she was just staring stupidly, but they were lovely. Stupidly Lovely.

I don't like the rate of my heart beat right now. I shouldn't be feeling this sensation either.

"get lost!" I shouted and she jerked like a frightened squirrel . Her beautiful eyes turned pale and I knew I was harsh but I didn't care.

She left the bottle in my hands and turned to leave. I watched her Walk away, obviously, she was angry. She sat inside the counter instead of her previous position. Am I difficult to tolerate?

Again, It shouldn't matter.

Finally, I could breathe again. It took everything in me not to lose control and Fuck her on the couch. Right here!

I continued watching the show after pouring myself a glass but unfortunately, I wasn't focusing.

From my side eyes, I stole glances at her. She wasn't focused on the show either, just punishing herself with alcohol.

I should drink as well, that's the only way to forget all these. I must flush these butterflies away!


Kiara's pov:

The show was really nice. As I watched the girls perform, I suddenly wished I could dance too. They have such nice moves and Emma too was doing great, she must really love her work a lot.

It took me a lot not to stand up and cheer them up with shouts and praises like they do in magic shows but that handsome perv by my side was always staring at me. What's with him?

Suddenly, I hear his arrogant voice, "hey, bar girl! get me a Red Zinfandels drink,"

"huh?" he definitely can't be referring to me since I'm not a bar girl. And besides, there wasn't any bar girl here so who?

"I said get my drink," he repeated with his eyes still on me and his fingers pointing somewhere. Does he think I'm deaf?

I'm no bartender for crying out loud! This perv must be insa... wait a minute!

How can I forget a lie that saved my ass? of course, it was me.

"ohh, yes.... Let me get it," I stuttered in regret, clinching my fist behind my back as I headed towards the direction of his finger.

This is embarrassing. He must think I'm stupid.

Fuck! Why is the wine not opening? Is the opener broken? Why does it have to be now? I just keep making myself look like a fool.

He just glared like he would explode any moment if I don't pop his wine. He's unbelievable! can't he even help?

Speaking of help, he grabbed the bottle unexpectedly and I felt this undefinable spark when I felt his fingers grease mine, "Let me have it. Just..get lost,"

Unfortunately, I was trapped in his gaze and didn't hear him properly. The handsome face behind the black mask, I wanted to take it off, to admire his looks but I couldn't help but stare. I loved the way he looked at me, I couldn't define it but I was sure it wasn't with pity. His eyes were glinting and lively and his lips were perfect. And sexy.

I must be insane.

"get lost!" His hoarse voice vibrated my ear drums and I returned to reality in seconds.

Meanie handsome pervert!

I angrily walked towards the counter. I really need a drink as well.

Pouring out some liquor on my glass, I sighed.

"Just who does he think he is? shouting at me like that! Eric alone can squeeze his neck!" I mutter to myself.

To be honest, Eric is a Mafia with no heart, therefore, slitting this perv's throat would be child's play. I've seen him blow heads off several times, and trust me, he's good at it. His best friend is his gun.

My eyes drifted to him as I wondered about Eric's mercilessness, did he deserve that from him? I try to imagine his tearful face, just like the rest when a corked gun is pointed right to their brain. He'd whimper like a puppy.

Better don't mess with me.

He seems Rich. My subconscious mind reminds me.

And so what if he has money? I'm rich as well. Just tolerating all these because of Emma. I shouldn't spoil her show because of some annoying pervert who doesn't seem to know his place.

Yes, add annoying to his lists of names! Annoying meanie handsome pervert!

I gulped down a whole bottle and brought another one. This is crazy, he's crazy.

It's more weird that I feel butterflies for him. Fuck butterflies! they don't know when to arrive.

No one has ever shouted at me like that, well apart from Eric but that only happens when I do something wrong. But him? gosh, I can't take it.

Forget that he's handsome but his character is disgusting! I just can't wait to get out of here.

I gulped more wine.

I knew it! He definitely didn't look like someone to be pleased easily. Well, his bad 'cause I'm done trying! What the f..?

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