

Lucas's pov:

Everyone deserves a punishment and a reward as well. Depending on the path, you decide to track.

For me, punishment is a must. Since life itself can't be so promising. Punishment or reward, life moves on and that's the most important course of living.

Can't wait to get to the basement, my punishment arena.

I entered the basement with a smile. I love punishing traitors. After all, I don't decide their fate, they choose to die the moment they conceive such evil thoughts of stabbing my back.

She was tied up in an arm chair, her messy hair evidence that she'd receive much torture.

Her skin was covered in blood and bruises as well. I like-, no loved the sight of it.

Ray and my loyal men greeted me with a bow as they sensed my presence.

Dorothy raised her weak head slowly, the blood dripping made it difficult to see the tears clouding her eyes.

I sat on a stool in front of her, legs crossed, and admired her new look.

"Please spare me... I'," She stuttered. Her voice was shaky and filled with fear and pleas. I guess the torture must have affected her tongue as well. Former Dorothy had a sharp tongue.

I smiled sincerely, I also love apologies as well. The three go in hand, apology before punishment and then repentance, if you have the chance.


She looked at me with her dead eyes, she was trying to force out reasons from her mouth. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I won't do it again, I'm sorry," she broke down in tears while coughing repeatedly.

"Forgiveness?" so ridiculous, "then rewind time. Bring back the fucking time I wasted with you!" I yelled, pointing a gun to her head.

She squeaked, her teeth gritting as she shut her eyes painfully with fear.

Everyone is afraid of death. I'm not a coward. Death is inevitable for everyone, including me. Depends on the way or method you die, and as for this bitch, I don't see her dying peacefully.

"you can't?" I chuckled nastily, removing the gun from her head, "I don't know what to do with you."

I scoffed at her coldly.

"I will do anything, just don't kill me. I will pay back all the money I stole, please-"

"shut the fuck up! How dare you try to negotiate? Who said I needed money?" I screamed in her face.

She jerked, but the chains binding her pricked her skin and she groaned. She was too frightened to look up but she still spoke. Adamant, I see.

"I can be....your slave or anything, punish me. I... don't want to die."

The more she begged for life, the more I wanted to deprive her of it.

"slave? even slaves betray their masters," I smirked at her, lifting her face with my gun, "tell me. What makes you special? I mean you've betrayed me once, why should I trust you again?"


"shhhh." I placed the gun on her bloody lips that were stuttering, finding it hard to form sentences, "you ain't worthy to be a slave even,"

She gulped hard, swallowing the lump on her dry throat. Her nose was covered in mucus, with a shaky breath and her body fidgeting.

As much as torturing her gave me satisfaction, she's still not worth my time. Let's end this.

"I gave you love and money. Everything. But you treated my love like dirt and made away with my money. And now you want forgiveness? or rather punishment?"

What made her think she could get away with her crimes? Have I been too friendly recently? She just doesn't know who she's dealing with.

She managed to lift her head, but I could do nothing more than read her pleading eyes. She must have repented, but I don't care. That's how cruel I am.

Once my trust is shattered, even forgiveness isn't an option. Just one capital punishment.

I stood up from the seat, dressed in my tuxedo, with my prying eyes glaring at her, "I can't give you forgiveness or punishment, neither can I give you love nor hatred. I can't give you anything, because you're nothing....because you do not exist," frowning, I pulled the trigger.

"clean this mess up," I handed the gun over to Ray and walked away, hands in my pocket.

She was the least of my problems, may heaven accept her soul or she continue repenting in hell as well.


Kiara's pov:

I stared at the high walls again, this wasn't the first time I was gonna jump over, but definitely the last time I would ever get close to it again.

With a sigh, I throw my luggages over to the other side after peeping through a small round opening to check for guards. None, the place was empty - no guards perambulating to and fro, that's unusual.

With a slight noise, I landed, dusting myself as well as making sure no one saw me.

Glancing at my watch, I smiled. Just in time, I still have like 20 minutes left.

Then I lifted one of the bags over my shoulder, let out a deep breath and decided to find my way towards the back door. That was the only safe place I can't be spotted easily and besides, my room was located not too far from it, so it'd be easier to sneak in.

I just hope the guards haven't discovered my absence. I've been away for several hours and that bothered me most. Normally, I'd just sneak out in the night and return very early the next morning, it's been going on perfectly fine and no one suspected. But as for today, I'm not sure.

Something still doesn't feel right since I've not spotted any guards on my way. Did they all go to welcome Eric from the airport? were they probably having a quiet meeting in the basement?

Who knows? Well, that's the least of my problems.

I should just get into my damn room, shove myself under the sheets, pretend to be asleep and forget any of these ever happened. Most importantly, embrace the life I've been living since I was born.

I frowned as I stood in front of the door. Why on earth is luck against me today? first of all, I've got less time, secondly I'm still angry at myself for sexing with a low profile man who has no respect for women and now this?

Fuck! The door was locked.

How do I find my room from here? This is the closest route and taking the front door would mean death. The guards would definitely spot me but then, how come? This has never happened before.

The back door is always open for emergency reasons.

I looked at the key and swallowed my dry throat. This isn't as easy as I expected. The key definitely doesn't look like one that can be manipulated.

I put down my bags and took out a pin from my hair. "I hope this works. Make me proud, just today, please and I will never discard you," I murmured to my hair pin, kissing it with hopes.

High hopes.

Phew! I'm passing through all this stress because I failed to return yesterday morning. If not, it would be easier to get in unnoticed.

Finally the door opened after a jillion minutes. Now I just have five minutes left. It's still something, at least I was within the premises.

"mwahh," I kissed the pin with a smile and quickly inserted it into its rightful place.

I walked in briskly, dragging my two bags along like a mouse dodging cats.

The room was dark and I nodded happily. No one can spot me now but then, can I spot them?

I don't care. My room. That's where I want to be. I've lived here since childhood and even mastered what it looks like in the dark, finding my room won't be a problem.

I thought...

On my way up the stairs, I heard a cold stern voice that quickly kept my leg hanging in the air as my heart sank into my stomach.

"stop right there, you stripper!!"

No, it can't be.

It shouldn't be.

It wouldn't be.

I hope it's not him.

I'm soo Busted.

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