
Life of Amayah

Vampires and werewolves are creatures that have been regarded as myths, but they do exist in the small country of Bedel. The vampires and werewolves have been lifetime enemies, they hated each other guts and wouldn't waste a chance to snap each other's neck when the opportunity arises.

In the country Bedel, there was a boundary that demarcated the vampire world and the wolf's world, it was a stream that flowed on a straight path, if each of the creatures were to cross it they will be in their enemies territory. There sitted on a rock close to the stream was Hunter, a 17 thousand years old vampire boy, had pale skin with red lips. He looked scrummy and would have needed a good sleep.

Hunter sat there with his grey-colored eyes staring at the water, he could see his reflection, his curly black hair keep falling to his eyes no matter how much he always tucks them to the side of his face. Hunter wanted to cross the territory, it wasn't a wise thing to do. He had always wanted to go into
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