
Falling For My Annoying Tycoon
Falling For My Annoying Tycoon
Author: Nature

Caught cheating

Charlotte’s POV

"Huh Finally! I have nothing to add on " , I said as I stared at my reflection in the mirror . . . I had already clad up in a beautiful  laced short black dress. 

I strutted out of my room and hailed a cab. When i got in front of my destination, A smile was plastared on ny lips before I struttered out of the car and made my way to a cream apartment, bursting open the door and opening my mouth to call for Alex, but stopped dead in my tracks.

As soon as I walked inside I see a pair of high heels and a handbag by the door – neither of which belong to me.

“Who the hell is he….” I immediately trailed off in mid sentence when I walked a bit closer and for what I witnessed made my mouth to instantly fall open and my eyes to pop out of my eyes.

I cock my ears towards the bedroom, and my stomach churns when I hear the unmistakable sound of moaning, accompanied by a steady thump thump thump, as the bed collides with the wall. Worse even than realizing that Alex is clearly in there with another woman, is realizing who he’s with. I know that handbag, and I know those shoes – they belong to my best friend, Mia

“No!” I kept saying unbelievably, shaking my head in denial and letting my curiosity to take over, I moved a bit closer and lastly my eyes fell on them

I watched them as they fucked each other  " Oh !.... Ahh !....yes I’m gonna cum, Oh ! Gosh, Alex….oh ! Oh , ! Oh ! Yes " , Mia' s screams sounded like a song to my ears.

“A…A…Alex!” I called gently almost like a whisper, my voice breaking with tears dancing on my face, this was honestly too much to bare for me. “Alex!” I called again, this time louder

As soon as he heard my voice, his eyes instantly flashed opened and then pushed away Mia aside, “Charlotte! Why are you here?” He sounded with his voice full of shock and awe. I tried to hold my tears but seeing mia’s naked body beside him made my tears to well more on my face.

“Uhnnn!” With the tears dancing on my face, I took to my heels, not wanting to have anything to do with the crazy bastard!

Alex had put on his clothes and immediately stomped out to chase after me, “Charlotte! Charlotte! Wait up!” He said catching up with me, and trying to touch me by the shoulders, when he did, I planted a hard slap on his cheeks, 

“Charl?” He said walking away from me with few steps. 

“How could you Alex?” I said with my trembling lips

“I can explain!” He replied trying to hold my hands

“Do not touch me!” I said pushing him off, “I don’t want to hear any fucking explanation from you!”

He looked behind me, and I followed his gaze to see Mia standing in a corner away, with a face of guilt, “You can continue with your nonsense!” I told her particularly, “I’m out of this!” I replied walking away from him and not bothering to even take a second glaze at him!”

He tried to run towards me, But i immediately signaled to a cab, got in and ordered him to drive off.

I watched him and mia through the rear view mirror as they stood there staring at the cab passing, with a feeling of guilt. 

Since i had nothing to do or want to see anyone, I headed straight to the near by silent club. With what i had just witnessed, i really wanted to get my mind off the image of my best friend, Mia and boyfriend, Alex, oh! Sorry, Exes! 

I made my way to the bartender, and said without any pleasantries, “Get me one full glass of wine!” I ordered as i sat down on the high leather stool. 

“What type of wine do you want, Miss”

“The best, strongest wine you got!” I replied which he immediately poured the wine into a cup, the scent was so strong to my nostrils but i choose to ignore.

He barely poured the wine in the cup, when i grabbed the cup and gulped it down as if it was a sweet juice, “Get me another now!” I ordered as i placed the glass of wine down

He looked at me, surprised but instantly did as he was told. He poured me another, and I gulped it down with the same intensity. After pouring me the  third glass, he looked at me and stopped,”Miss, isn’t this enough?”

“What the fuck is your business! Pour me another one, in fact i need the whole freaking bottle!” I said taking the whole bottle from him and pouring it straight into my mouth. 

I placed the wine down and stared at the half content left, feeling drunk, yet i can still remeber what happened, the moans, the facial expressions, the nakedness, the laughter! Everything! I stared at the wine remembering how Alex and I first met, how he would also send sweet messages and flowers to me. Telling me that he loves me everytime.

I had gone to visit him so we could bond together, and i meet…so he never even loved me. “Why isn’t this wine working?” I yelled with tears in my eyes, “Get me another glass of wine!” I ordered feeling so misrable

The bartender gave me another glass of wine just like i ordered and I gulped it down again. ‘Alex never did love me!’ I thought, he never cared about me. After the scene i saw with Mia, I don’t want to have anything to do with both of them again! They can all go to hell!

I poured the wine into a glass of cup and as i was gulping it, a man i didn’t know walked over and stood next to me, what captivated me most was the fine, attractive and expensive suit that he wore. He looked at the bottle of wine right in front of me and didn’t even bother to look at me, I din’t really see his face, due to my gaze half closed, but one thing i notice is that, He had this dirty blonde spiky hair, pink lips and a nice jawline.

As i was about to take my leave, I heard a voice directed at me, “why would a lady like you be drinking so much?” He said grinning mischeviously, “You know, I can be your company if you want!”

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