
Charlotte is kidnapped

Charlotte awoke to the sound of a machine beeping in an unfamiliar room, her body throbbing with pain. "Arghhhh! Where am I?" she muttered, placing her hand on her forehead, attempting to piece together her shattered memory.

"You're in the hospital, are you okay?" a familiar voice asked.

"Argggh!" Suddenly, she remembered what happened. "My child!" she exclaimed, realization dawning. "How is my baby?"

"Charlotte, take it easy," Derik said, his tone heavy with sadness.

"Mr. Miller, is my child okay?"

"The baby is gone," Derik disclosed, his heart broken, his breath heavy with the weight of the burden he carried.

"What do you mean, gone?" she asked, trying to comprehend his words.

"You were bleeding," he explained simply.

"No!" she shook her head, unable to accept that her first child was gone.

"No," she repeated countless times, refusing to believe the news, screaming and yelling in anguish over her lost child.

Charlotte couldn't bear it anymore. She pulled the drip out of her body and got up. "That must be a lie, right? You're joking, right?" she asked with a sullen expression.

It was then that she realized the truth: her unborn child was dead before she had a chance to meet them.

"No," she cried, scratching at the monitor on the ground. Derik stopped her from causing more damage, feeling the pain she felt because it was also his child.

"I need my child back!" Charlotte wept in his arms, heartbroken and vulnerable. This was the second time someone she loved dearly was taken away from her.

Derik held her as she sobbed, his heart breaking for her. He blamed himself for her miscarriage, feeling more angry than she did because that child had given him hope.

Charlotte's breathe began to seize as she, before Derek could know what was happening, she had already fainted in his arms, he gently carried her to the bed as he wiped away her tears pitifully, she was hurt, she was in pain.

Suddenly, the door to Charlotte's ward opened, and Jessica appeared. "Charlotte," she called.

Before she could enter, Derik grabbed her by the neck and pushed her against the wall.

"You're hurting me, Derik," she struggled.

"This is nothing compared to the life you've taken away from me," Derik said, his anger and agony evident. "Why did you push her? What has she done to you?"

"Derik," Jessica pleaded.

Derik's grip tightened. "You have no right to be here."

Jessica gasped for air, fear in her eyes. "Please, Derik, I just wanted to..."

"You wanted to what? Apologize? Beg for forgiveness?" Derik's voice dripped with anger. "It's too late for that."

He shoved Jessica against the wall again, causing her to cry out in pain. "You destroyed everything, Jessica. You destroyed us."

Jessica whimpered, tears streaming down her face. "I'm sorry, Derik. Please..."

"Save your apologies," Derik said, his rage boiling over. "I'll never forgive you for what you've done."

Before Jessica could say another word, the door flung open. "Derik! What are you doing?" a familiar voice demanded.

It was Derik's brother, Edward, in a wheelchair. "Let her go this instant!" he commanded.

But Derik only tightened his grip, his anger consuming him. "Why don't you tell your wife to stop meddling in my business?"

"Derik, you're hurting her. Let her go!" Edward pleaded.

Derik released his grip, and Jessica gasped for air as she fled. "I lost my child because of her, because of your wife!" he yelled in fury. "She is going to pay."

"Well, well, well, look who's throwing a tantrum like a spoiled child," Edward taunted.

Derik's fists clenched as he glared at his brother. "Watch your mouth, Edward. You don't know what you're talking about," he growled, advancing toward him.

Edward chuckled. "I know exactly what I'm talking about. You're just jealous, aren't you? Jealous that I have her," he sneered.

Derik's anger burned hotter. "I'll make sure you both pay for what you've done," he vowed, annoyance lacing his voice.

Edward remained unfazed. "Good luck with that, brother. You'll need it," he retorted, defiance gleaming in his eyes. "Because I am not backing down either. See you in court."

Derik looked at him with annoyance before turning to leave.

Two hours later, Charlotte's eyes fluttered open to see Vincent, Charlotte's student and Derik's brother, sitting next to her. "Miss Jenner, you're awake!" he exclaimed. "Thank God! I was so scared!"

Ignoring him, Charlotte asked, "Where is your brother?"

"I don't know. He has some business to finish. What's going on, Miss Jenner? I heard the Lockwoods want to sue him?"

Charlotte looked at him in shock. "What?"

"I need to go to him," she said, attempting to stand. Her heart felt as if it had been pushed into an abyss.

Vincent followed her closely. "Please, Miss Jenner, you're sick. My brother will kill me if I ever let you out of my sight."

As she reached the hospital door, she saw Derik not too far away. Just as she was about to approach him, a black Mercedes car suddenly pulled up to the hospital door.

Two men got out, picked her up, placed her in the car, and drove off while Vincent helplessly screamed for help.

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