
She Cares About Him?!

We slunk behind Chancellor Howlerton, the cheers, and jeers turning into tight-lipped whispers as the crowd parted for us like the Red Sea parting for a particularly grumpy Moses. Inside his wood-paneled office, the Chancellor began a lecture that would have made even Shakespeare himself bow, complete with enough growls that I found so annoying. Could he just let me go?

I was the Alpha’s son and had no business being here!

"You two are the Alpha son and Beta respectively!" he roared, his voice echoing off the stacks of detention slips lining the wall. "This kind of behavior is unbecoming! Do you have any idea what the vampires will think? Do you want them to call in the exterminators again, claiming there's a rogue… uh… badger problem on campus?"

Jin, as the model student - or at least the model student who didn't get caught setting off stink bombs in the cafeteria, simply nodded in agreement with his face carefully schooled into an expression of remorse.

Yeah, that was typica
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