
Chapter 61

Alpha Renee's POV

"Oh, relax little wolf, your heartbeat is giving you away." She smiled "I am immortal not using the dark arts."

"Immortal?" Was all I could respond. I knew vampires were technically immortal, but I had no idea a witch could be too. Although I guess in truth, I didn't really know much of anything about witches.

"Yes dear, immortal"

"So how long have you been alive?" I asked dumb founded.

"Sweetie didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to ask a woman her age." She responded

"Oh, right sorry" I answered

She let out a boisterous laugh. "I was just teasing!" She continued laughing "the look on your face though, I'm 1,347years old dear."

"Holy shit!" I said falling into a nearby chair. "How.... what? Really" I was completely shocked and talking like a total idiot. I could not even fathom living that long.

"What did you think only vampires get to have all the fun of living for forever." She questioned while still laughing some, but I could also hear her voice turn more
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