
Fated to my stepbrothers
Fated to my stepbrothers
Author: Hummingbird


The moment I walked into my office building, I knew that something was wrong. People turned to stare at me, their eyes were cold and distasteful. I stopped in my tracks and looked around, I could hear my own blood pounding in my ear.

I walked forward as quickly as I could and when I got into my cubicle, I slumped against the seat.

The clicking of heels that was coming my way was not mistakable, it was Mrs Rosa, the chair woman.

“Rainee, get up, the boss wants to see you."

“Is something wrong?."

My question went unanswered, her glare made me jerk up from my seat. She turned immediately and I stood up, so I followed behind her.

I was aware that people were whispering, throwing me glances of disgust and shaking their heads. Mrs Rosa pushed open the crystal clear glass doors. Immediately I walked in, the boss tapped a remote, and everything, both the glass walls and doors turned opaque and foggy.

“Sit." He instructed me, his voice was too calm, too calm for me to take another breath.

“Mr Grant, I—"

“Save it." He said cutting me off.

I clamped my mouth shut and turned my gaze to look at anything but him.

“You steal from my company and you disrespect me by selling my secrets to our rivals."

Inside me, I felt my heart snap like a rubber band.


“Thirty two thousand dollars went missing under your supervision."

“I'm sorry sir, I wish I knew what you were talking about."

Mr Grant was a middle aged man, but his eyes were clever as that of a mischievous six year old boy. He watched me intensely and I had to fight the urge to squirm.

He gestured for Rosa with a single long finger, Rosa's heels clicked on the marble floor and she placed a brown manila envelope on the desk.

“Don't play with my intelligence Rainee. I will not tolerate it."

He pulled out a file from the envelope and threw it at me.

I caught it, but one single paper slipped out from the pile. I stood up and went after it. Then I came back and took a seat. My hands were trembling as I scanned through the file.

“You submitted those to my rival company, now they know my secrets, I trusted you thinking that you were really loyal but now I've learnt my lesson."

“I— I didn't do this. I don't— "

“You're going to jail, Rainee. And I will see to it that you spend the rest of your life rotting in a hellhole."

My brain stopped working at that moment, fear and terror swam in the cold parts of my belly. The door of Mr Grant's office swung open and four officers walked in.

“I don't even get to explain myself, I'm not guilty." I was saying to Mr Grant but the men read me my rights and pulled me out. I was really going to jail?.

Shame dilated my eyes as my colleagues watched me, now they openly addressed me.


The police men pushed me into their car and drove off, I was thrown in jail. I sat there, wide-eyed and terrified. A young female officer told me that I would have a court hearing soon.

“I need to call my mum." I said to her before she turned to leave.

“You only get one phone call, I say you call your lawyer instead, don't waste it on family members, your lawyer would contact your family but first get legal advice on how to go forward from here."

“I don't have a lawyer."

“We will provide an attorney for you if you can't afford one." The woman said glaring down at her clipboard as if it said something naughty.

“No uh... I need to call my mum, she will get me out of here."

The woman looked up at me then and she chuckled.

“You're not placed under bail... Miss... Rainee."

I wasn't placed on bail, Mr Grant was really planning to torture me for a crime I didn't even commit.

" I get just one phone call right?." I asked the woman.

“Yes, just one."

I clicked my tongue, I knew who to call. I knew who could get me out of here even when the law said it was impossible.

My stomach turned sour at the thought of asking for their help, the bad memories that were already imprinted in my head started mocking me.

I was at the end of a pit, I needed their help, they might not help me but if they even did so much as lift a finger, I would be out of here in seconds.

“I know who to call." I said standing up.

Even if it was to drop my pride and face the people that had tortured me for years, I would do it. I didn't have any other choice.

I walked to where the telephone was, I knew their numbers, I had been forced to learn it some while back. I dialed it and waited.

“Hello, Vinx, it's me Rainee."


“Look who's calling from prison." The voice was filled with pure mockery but it was deeper than the last time I heard it, more masculine.

It would have been a turn on, not now, not here.

“Please, Vinx, I need your help "

“Little sister has gotten herself into some trouble..."

“Vinx, I don't think I have much time, you can taunt me all you want later but now, please come and get me out of here."

“Why would I do that?."

I searched for words to say.

“I'll forever be indebted to you."

“Sounds tempting... I'm thinking of 'proper' ways I would make you clear your debt, that's if I help you."

“You'll help me because you have a good heart."

“No I don't."

My shoulders caved in and hot tears stung my eyes.

“I'm begging you, If you help me I'll do anything you ask. Help me, even if there's no reason for you to help me."

I could already feel him smiling.

“Anything, even if I demand for your sweat and blood?."


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