
seducing my stepbrothers

I was shown to my room, I stood in front of the bedroom door and looked in. The entire place looked cozy and comfortable. It was really beautiful.

The walls were painted pink, the sheets were pink too. Everything was feminine.

“Did you decorate this room for a future concubine?." I asked Kalum, he was leaning on the doorframe.

“Oh, no. We do have concubines and they are not allowed into the house. We designed this room for our little sister, in case she decides to stop hiding."

“I wasn't hiding. I was just glad that you and Vinx didn't know where I lived."

“Pfft, you thought we didn't know where you lived?."

My breath caught in my throat.

“All this time, you know where I lived?."

My question went unanswered but Vinx's chuckle told me everything I needed to know.

“Bastards. Pigs!."

My outburst made them laugh.

“She's so cute." Kalum mused and walked into my bedroom.

“Yes, cute in a was that's tempting." Vinx snickered.

What did that mean?

“Get out, both of you, out." I yelled.

“Look who's fiesty...." Kalum said chuckling again and he fell on my bed.

The hinges of the bedframe cried out in terror. He was a big guy, yet the bed could swallow five men his size.

Seeing him sprawled on my bed like that, it splashed images in my head. Dirty images, images of Kalum sweating, panting and naked. I felt a soft throb in my pussy and my eyes fell down to his groin.

“Vinx, I think we gave Rae-ree the softest bed."

“I'll see for myself." Vinx climbed the bed and he laid down and snuggled in. I witheld a moan from escaping at the sight of both of them.

“You're right..." Vinx said and he closed his eyes.

I cleared my throat.

“It's Ray-nee, now both of you get out. I've had a long day, I need to rest."

The both of them muttered something about me chasing them from their own house.

“Our rooms are adjacent to each other, right upstairs." Kalum said as he walked through the door.

“Don't come sneaking up the stairs unless you're calling trouble." Vinx said in a tone that told me he was serious.

“I'm sure I'll be fine down here."

I slammed the door in their faces and i heard them laughing. I ran to the bathroom, gasped at the entire luxury of it and I scowled at my reflection.

It was the dead of the night and the place was quiet and still. I walked forward until I was standing a feets away from the mirror. I dug my fingers into my hair and lifted it out of my face.

I tied it in a bun and took my bath. I spied the armoire for something to wear. There was a nightgown, it was soft and made from satin. I locked the door and wedged the knob with a chair. If any one of them gets a mischievous idea, I would be awake by the time they break through the door.

I snuggled under the sheets, they were right, my bed was unreasonably soft and it carried me straight into sleep.



It was ten minutes after midnight.

“Her breathing is levelled, she's asleep." Kalum said, he was standing in the hallway and he was listening to Rainee's breathing from the floor below us.

I leaned into my chair, the study was dark, just the way I liked it. I had turned on the table lamp and outside, the sky was moonless. I could hardly see my brother as he stepped into my study.

But, I didn't need to see him to know what he was thinking or feeling, we were like one soul in two bodies. We shared a bond, it was like a silver thread holding our souls, joining it and making us one. We could communicate through this bond.

I could feel his thoughts.

“Am I the only one that thinks she's a dangerous turn on?." I asked.

Kalum took the seat in front of me and propped his leg on the desk.

“Vinx..." Kalum warned.


“She's out little sister." Kalum said reasonably.

“She was little, I still remember her face when she was running off to college. She fucking fragile and delicate. That woman we brought home today is nothing but little. Her body is magnificent."

Kalum swallowed noisily and frowned hard.

“She's sexy, I could hardly... Resist her, the urge."

“I know, I felt it too."

I groaned as the head of my cock was still pressing against the fabric of my trouser, I needed to find a way to get rid of the hardness.

“I want her." Kalum said and he shifted in his seat, he too was hard for her.

She was just downstairs, so helpless and vulnerable.

“I don't think she's safe here." I said and brought my hand down to press my cock, it was rock hard.

“You think we're threats to her?." Kalum asked and closed his eyes. He brought his hand down and started to ease some of the hardness by massaging his cock through his pants.

“If we can control ourselves, she's safe." I said.

“What if we can't?."

Kalum brought her hair tie from his pocket and sniffed it. He closed his eyes and savoured her sweet scent. I asked for it by stretching out my hand.

“Mine!." He growled and bared his teeth to me.

“No it's not." I said, suddenly angered.

“Don't fight for this, I won it and I will not give it to you."

“You snapped it out of her hair."

“I got it first." He countered.

I jumped from my seat and pounced on him. The force sent him crashing down and the wooden chair bursted into tiny bits of wood. I tackled him and tried to get the hair tie. He punched my jaw, I used my knee to press his neck and punched his face.

“Give it!." I yelled.

He growled as my fingers touched the hair tie and he kicked me off him and smashed me to the ground, now he was on me, punching me.

I held his fist after it had connected to the side of my head like five times and I twisted his wrist. He yelled out in pain and I pushed him off me. He staggered backwards and crashed into my desk.

The desk divided into two, I leapt for him and dug into his pocket for the material and he punched my eye, I pulled the hair tie out and I ran to the door.

“Vinx, I'm going to kill you!."

I was down the stairs when he caught up to me. He pushed me against the wall and tried to get it out of my fingers. I punched his head, I heard bones crack. He didn't show any sign of pain. He used his elbow to jab my chest and he kicked my legs.

“What is going on here?." Rainee's voice was filled with shock and it cut into the entire hallway, I turned to look up at her.

She was standing in a nightgown that was only a thin layer of clothing. Her nipples were pressing against the fabric, her legs, those beautiful legs... An image of her sprawled on my bed flashed in my mind, her legs were spread out for me and her cunt was dripping with moisture.

With the way Kalum froze, I was certain he was thinking the same thing.

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