
for fucks sake!

He laughed.

“You're really desperate." He said, his voice was rich with mockery.

“I am." I cried.

“I'll see what I can do, what prison are you in?."


It was mid afternoon when a male officer appeared in front of the bars.

“Rainee Simmons?."

I jerked up at the mention of my name.

“You're being released."

For the first time in hours, I took a proper breath. A single tear escaped my eyes and I followed the officer as he led me to clear my name.

I clutched onto my jacket as I left the prison gate, the wind felt new as it kissed my face.

I didn't know what to expect, it's been five years since I saw my stepbrothers. I was eager to run off to college after highschool, I couldn't imagine another day in the house with Vinx and Kalum, they were monsters and I was their prey.

The moment I received an admission letter from my university, I cried. I went off to college, graduated, got a house and a job that barely paid me enough to sustain my monthly need, yet I was contented.

Now, five years of avoiding them washed down the drain. The two black Rolls-Royce were parked side by side. Two figures were leaning on the hood, talking. One was wearing a black suit, the other one a dark grey suit.

Certainly, they picked up my scent because they turned to me at the same time. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of them. No, fucking way!.

The boys had morphed into men, tall, muscular men. There was no reasonable way to describe it. Their muscles were defined and toned, even from their clothing it was visible.

Vinx's hair was dark in a way that looked like blue ink. It was slipped back and tied at the back, it was long enough to stop at the base of his neck. Kalum's hair was midnight black, so dark it looked like it would stain your hands if you dipped it in. He wore his hair short, it touched his eyebrows at the front and in the middle it was lengthy but it faded at the side and back, those parts were so short it would be hard to pick.

My legs were wobbly as I walked to them, their gaze were trained on me and it was burning holes in the fabric of my soul.

“Good afternoon. Vinx, Kalum." I forced my voice to be high but it was lower than I expected.

Kalum folded his arms across his chest, his beautiful hazel eyes did a scan from my head to my toe. His lips were full, his brows were straight and dark, his nose was upturned and his jaw was defined.

“How did you end up in there, there was no bail." Kalum's voice was Angelic, soothing.

But I knew better, this was the same person that poured itching powder all over me the night of my final exam.

I didn't get a bit of sleep, when morning came my skin looked as if it was clawed by an angry cat, my head was foggy and I failed because I fell asleep during the exam.

“I was falsely accused of stealing." I explained.

Vinx raised a brow, his brows had a sharp arch, his eyes were deeply brown, that kind of brown that reminded you of hot sweet chocolate. His lips were like a cupid's bow, his nose was straight, his lashes were full and extremely long, his ears had a curve that I liked because it was pleasing, everything about Vinx was pleasing.

“We read your report. We saw your salary, we know your landlady has been pestering you to move or pay your rent which have been delayed for four months in a row, we know you're still paying your students loan and you've been getting warnings here and there..." Vinx was saying.

“Basically, what Vinx is trying to say is that you're covered in debts. We weighed your chances of taking Grant's money and..." Kalum was saying

“We concluded that you did it. You don't have to lie to us."

My mouth fell open.

“I didn't do it, I swear." My voice shook as I spoke, and a cry was threatening to erupt.

No, don't cry in front of them. Never let them see your tears.

“Rainee..." Kalum said.

“I did not steal the money, thirty two thousand dollars is not enough to clear my debts, I wouldn't risk it."

There was silence.

“Why didn't you ask for help, from any of us, or mum."

I almost spat in their feet.

“I am fine, I'm doing fine on my own."

“No, you're not. We just had to get you out of jail for stealing and spying."

The tears came

My lips quivered.

“Thank you for your help. I would find a way to repay you after I've gotten on my feet."

“Where do you think you're going?." Vinx asked me in a low tone.

“Back to my apartment."

Kalum scrunched his nose, as if he had seen what a mess I was living in. Wait, had they been inside my apartment?!.

I left my bra and pantie from yesterday on the couch, it's unwashed for crying out loud.

“Your landlady has thrown your things out."

The fear returned again.

“Then I'll get another apartment, I have some money in my bank, I've been saving since highschool for something like this."

Vinx shook his head and Kalum was nice enough to spare me a look of sympathy.

“Grant had access to your account, he took everything." Vinx said.

“We know because we were doing some research."

The ground shifted, I caught the car before I could fall. I rested my head on the roof. No, this can't be happening, I can't be dead broke. Tears, poured from my eyes.

“Come stay with us..." Kalum offered.

I could smell him, I jolted as his strong hands held my shoulders.

“Don't touch me— don't. "

I cried some more, I didn't care if they were standing right beside me.

" Take me to mum's house." I said, it was almost like an order.

“Fine." Vinx said.

He was the first to move, he was that eager to get rid of me.

He opened the door of his car, I surveyed the both of them, wondering who would be more dangerous.

“Don't worry darling, it's not boobie trapped."

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