
chapter 38

Marienne's pov

I woke up to the pale glow of dawn seeping through the curtains, casting delicate shadows on my bedroom walls. The Deja vu feeling settled in my bones as I remembered the situation I found my self.

The past weeks had been the worse week I have amevee experience, my mother still layed unconscious in her room as, Nico tries to find a cure for her by bringing in all kinds of doctors to find a cure for the posion all to no avail.

My mates were on a mission to stop the rouges from migrating from nowhere to the east, the kingdom seems to be thrown into chaos.

As alpha reports serveral of their prisons holding rouges being broken down and the rouges as well as criminal were key free to join the rouge king course.

Everything seems to be falling apart, the rouges as gathered a large again and the worse information reaching us was that he had taken over a pack two weeks ago, making it it fortress.

I turned as I look around my room, the palace as been deserted as the king always
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