
Forced Into Marriage
Forced Into Marriage
Author: Peach Rise

A Day Unlike Any Other

Just like any other day in Amelia's life. She turned 18 a couple of months back, trying to navigate the murky waters of adulthood. She sat on her creaky bed, sipping a warm cup of tea while watching the rain pour outside. The ache in her heart grew stronger with each drop, missing her boyfriend like crazy, even though they had been together not more than 16 hours ago. She made a quick and rational decision to head over to his place, wanting to spend some quality time together. So, she got dressed, threw on whatever was clean, and marched towards the front door.

Now, being the spontaneous gal that she was, Amelia didn't bother notifying him ahead of time. Nah, she wanted to surprise him, catch him off guard. Armed with the key he had given her, she made her way to his apartment. Unlocking the door, she walked in, shrugged off her coat, and headed straight toward his room. But little did she know, something strange was going on inside. Ignoring the noises, she brushed them off and walked right in.

Well, you can bet your sweet ass that her entire world came crashing down the minute she set foot in that room. What she stumbled upon was something that would leave a scar on her soul, something she could never unsee. Anger, frustration, grief, and hurt flooded her, blurring her vision of reality.

There he was, the man she thought she loved, on top of another woman. Amelia stood there, rooted to the spot, shock paralyzing her, until she regained her senses in less than 10 seconds. With a fury burning deep inside, she shouted at the top of her lungs, "WHAT ON EARTH IS GOING ON HERE?!" Her words sliced through the air, fierce and raw.

It all felt like a twisted dream, and her mind couldn't wrap itself around how this shit could happen to a girl like her—honest, smart, and lovable. Her boyfriend, Jonas, stuttered, trying to cover the girl's face. But his slow-ass reflexes couldn't hide her identity in time. Amelia knew exactly who he was trying to shield.

"Sara, is that you? Weren't we supposed to be fricking friends?" The words spilled out of her mouth, feeling like razor blades cutting deep into her skin and right into her heart. This was heartbreak in its purest, ugliest form.

Her whole body went numb, unable to process what the hell was happening. It felt like her blood was boiling, and at that moment, she wanted nothing more than to unleash hell and throw rationality out the window. But then, she remembered the promise she made to herself when she first started dating: she'd never compromise her morals.

Jonas and Sara stood there, silent as tombstones. Cowards, both of them. Scared to own up to their mistakes. A smirk danced across Amelia's lips as she saw their silence. She wanted to break down, to cry her heart out, but she refused to show them any sign of weakness. They hadn't defeated her. She took that key, the one she thought symbolized his love and tossed it on the ground.

"I guess love's a funny thing, ain't it? Fades away without warning," she spat the words, wanting them to sink deep into Jonas's skull and haunt him forever.

With that, she stormed outta his apartment, leaving him finally finding his voice, calling out her name. But she ran as fast as her legs could carry her, tears mixling with the rain, pouring down her face.

Soaked to the bone, she wandered aimlessly on the sidewalk. She had no clue where the hell she was going, but she kept walking. And after what felt like an eternity, she found herself at a playground. Knowing Jonas would be hunting her down at her own place, she decided to spend as much time as she could right there.

Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, impossible to hold onto. So, she screamed, letting out all the anguish that was tearing her apart. "Why the hell does it hurt so much?" The pain was unbearable, crushing her spirit. Amelia was heartbroken, lost, and all she wanted was to vanish into thin air.

But then, her phone had to go ringing. She glanced at the caller ID—her mother calling. Wiping away her tears, she answered, trying her best not to let her voice crack.

"Hello," Amelia murmured, her voice shaky.

"Hello, honey, where are you?" her mother's voice came through, sounding tense.

"I'm outside. Why?" Amelia replied, her worry growing by the second.

"Honey, your father and I need to tell you something important. We need you to come home right now.

Her mother's words sent a shiver down Amelia's spine. She couldn't help but fear that something truly awful had gone down with her parents.

"Just come over," her mother said before hanging up.

Amelia's heart pounded in her chest, fear gripping her so tight she could barely breathe. Today had been a whirlwind of horrible events, like something straight out of a drama movie where nothing good ever happened.

Realizing that walking to her parents' place would take forever, she rushed back to her apartment to fetch her car. Thankfully, she didn't run into Jonas along the way.

Fifteen minutes later, she arrived at her parents' house. Swinging the door open, she found her mother sitting on the couch, looking downright worried.

"Mom, what's going on? You had me scared shitless, almost ran a red light!" Amelia's voice trembled, desperation creeping in.

Her mother's face wore a sorrowful expression as she looked up at her daughter. "I'm so sorry, honey. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive us for your father's mistakes."

Amelia's anxiety spiked. What the hell had her dad done? "Mom, please, stop beating around the bush. What did Dad do?" Impatience dripped from her words.

Her mother glanced down at her own clenched fists, then back up at Amelia. Tears glistened in her eyes as she spoke the truth. "Three months ago, your father went on a business trip. And on that trip, he made a terrible mistake. His company was in deep trouble, losing money left and right. The only way to save their company was to sign an agreement with another firm. The chairman of that firm suggested their children marry, as a guarantee of loyalty. Your father had no choice but to sign the godforsaken agreement."

Amelia's jaw dropped, her mind struggling to process the bombshell her mother had just dropped. Emotions churned inside her, threatening to consume her whole. It felt like karma had dropped a bomb on her life, intent on ripping apart her dreams.

"So, you're telling me I'm being married off to a complete stranger?" The words escaped her mouth, filled with disbelief and a hint of anger.

Peach Rise

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