
Chapter -06

(Lily’s POV)

It’s been a whole week since that and I need to get myself together but it seems easier than done.

I am not able to recover and my mind keeps going back to those bitter memories.

Every day I try to indulge myself in other things but it is not helping. I am not sure why this is too much this time.

The last time I suffered a panic attack was five years ago when I was kidnapped. 

Yes, I had been kidnapped and it was awful, I don’t want to undergo that again. The rotten feeling returns to my heart and I succumb to darkness.

Supposedly, they wanted money and my father is a billionaire himself, so they used me as bait.

They were mafias, I don’t know the details but since that day I started hating them to the core. This time as well I am again tangled up in this bloody stalker mess.

They just won’t leave me alone, and I wonder why that guy is obsessed with me.

At first, I thought it was all for money but on second thought it was not regarding that. The police informed me that the guy was a mafia boss and is quite rich so must really be a psycho to obsess over someone like me.

“Ma’am please have your lunch” Aria knocked on my door informing me. I hummed at her and got up lazily from bed.

I have been tangled up in my bed all week and only left my room to eat.

I weakly moved out of my room and reached the dining area. I had refused to eat out but they were nagging me to eat together so I obliged.

I sat and asked, “Xander?”.

“He is away for some investigation work” she notified me and I nodded my head, stopping myself to ask any further questions.

‘Were he is?’

‘Has he eaten?’

‘When will he return?’

I wanted to ask this but I am in no position to question about these things.

My heart wants to know but my mind denies it.

My mind may agree but then I get second thoughts.

I am confused as hell, why am I complicating stuff on my own?

It may seem like I have taken a liking towards him so I just stay shut.No way I want to start this unnecessary tension between us not that there is any less.

I start eating my fill, I was just shoving it down relentlessly. Not that Aria cooks bad, but I was not liking anything nowadays.

Other than him.

Every night he visits my room and just sits beside me, staring at my face.

He thinks I have not noticed but I have adequate theater skills.

I don’t know why he does that but I did not stop him, it feels soothing near him, his presence is like a healing drug.

I may despise drugs but this one may work for me.

I smiled a little at the thought.

“Oh, my Lily! You smiled finally. Say who is the lucky guy?” I immediately mask my smile and look at Aria whose face was shining brightly.

Fuck, how does she know it every time?

“Nothing like that just remembered a good memory” I lied to her face and turned away my gaze.

She came near me and I turned to look at her again, carrying a lovely smile for me.

“I know I know,” she said while patting my shoulder and went away to do some other work, I am screwed.

I finished my food and went to my room again, the same routine for the last seven days.

But today I somehow managed to look in some important files and deals. I replied to the emails and it turned evening.

I wonder if Xander has returned?

“Urgh” I groaned frustratingly.

“Shut up Lily, this is gonna go nowhere” I advised myself and went to take a relaxing bath.


I turned my head in the direction of the door and wondered if Aria had come to inform me about something.

I stood up and opened the door to come face to face with a man I had not seen since morning.

I stared at him and our eyes locked with each other.

My breath hitched as he slowly held my hand, gently. I bowed my lashes down to stare at the place where our skin collided with each other.

“We are leaving, wear something warm. I am waiting outside” he said to me and I frowned.

“Where to?”  I asked.

“You will know(Russian)” he said and shut the door leaving my hand.

I stood there as this fucker closed the door shut at my face.

I knew it, I cannot like him, arrogant bastard.

Though his touch felt fine and his voice sounded utopia to me, especially when he spoke Russian.

Let’s stop my fictitious rampage and get ready. 

I took nearly an hour to get ready just to wear a damn sweater over my jeans and T-shirt.

I smirked thinking about his face right now, he must be fucking frustrated and is surely regretting his decision to join him as a company.

I made my way to the hall and Aria informed me that he was waiting for me in the car.

I unlocked my house door and went towards his car, is he really a bodyguard?

I wonder how he got that Royce.

Well, furthermore he appears rich as well. His body language shows his splendid Aura and the way he speaks makes me wonder if he is a prince.

He was leaning on the car’s door and looked at me with his piercing gaze, those emerald green eyes take away my breath everytime.

Does he even know how hot he looks right now?

He stands up properly and adjusts his shirts’s sleeves after which he forwards his hand to me.

I without a second thought took it, I am weak to that look.

“Took you long enough” he said and I turned away, am I getting embarrassed about my actions now?

“Yeah, nothing was working for me so I wore the basics” I said while he guided me to the front seat near the driver’s.

He opened the door and I frowned, why is he being so gentle with me?

“Um, you are not angry?” I asked with uneasiness.

“What for?” he answers me while he leaned on the car, placing his hand on the door. He was standing tall above and my neck hurt to look at his eyes.

“I took long enough right?” .

“Well, suits you to take time. I am obliged that you thought about what to wear for an outing with me” he said.

“Yeah stop being sarcastic now” I said rolling my eyes.

But the next second my breath tied and I lifted my lashes to stare at the man dangerously close to my face.

His rough thumb was clasping my chin slightly and my lips thinned. His cologne was intense, too intense for my weak heart.

“I really appreciate it, milyy(darling)”.

He said while I looked at his olive eyes, his hair dancing playfully on his forehead and he brushed my lips so very gently and I felt my stomach twist.

After what felt eternity he left my chin and closed the door and went to the driver’s seat.

The whole ride I did not know where we were headed to as my mind was away from reality, still thinking about his words, ‘I really appreciate it, milyy’.

My cheeks flustered and not once did I look his way.

Good heavens, I am becoming weird.

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