
5- Mafia and the Pearl

Xander’s POV-

I sat on the couch next to Lily’s bed and stared at her with a cold expression.

Last night was too much for her and she had lost consciousness afterwards so I had to rush her to the hospital.

The doctor said she had a panic attack and her condition could have been worse, had I not rushed here on time.

The whole time I was worried as hell as she had not woken up since then and her brother was here as well.

“Thank you for protecting my baby sister” he said and I replied with a short and simple, “It’s my work”.

He sat near Lily and started patting her head while I moved outside to get intel regarding the situation last night.

I am sure the stalker is from a powerful mafia organization and his connections are good as I had not been able to gather much about them.

The security guards were already there so I thought to freshen up a bit.

I went back to Lily's home, had a bath and then rode my bike to reach a certain place.

This was a bar where all the mafia’s were evolved and I had to mask up my face to remain unidentified.

“ How can I help you sir?(Russian)” I heard a lady say, she was almost naked covered with a cloth that was merely covering her.

She seductively came near me and touched my chest with her hands while I clenched my jaw.

“I do need help with something, I hope you can help me,” I said while touching her back slightly and she started withering under my touch like some fish.

She guided me to a room and I followed her.

She moved forward to kiss my lips but I stopped her with my finger slightly touching her lips which were coated in lip gloss. Gross.

“I heard that there was a ruckus there last night,” I asked her and she frowned but still answered.

“Yes, Ivankov was fighting with someone from another gang. But I don’t know the details since we were hiding, they even murdered a few of our staff”.

“Anything else?”

“No just this much” I hummed at her response and she immediately leapt on me while kissing my cheek.

But before she could touch my lips I hovered over her while choking her, filthy woman.

“Don't you dare touch me or you will be six feet deep in the grave(Russian)".

I said with anger dripping down my tone, I just hate women to the core.

I went to clean my hands and cheek first after which I exited the bar and immediately went to check on Lily.

I entered her room and she was sitting there with a blank face and still eyes staring outside the room’s window.

She had finally woken up and her friend was sitting there with her, I thought of coming later but she stopped me.

“Mr. Morozov, do you have a minute?” She asked with a serious voice and I froze in my steps.

I looked at her turning around but she was still staring at the window being unbothered by anyone.

Her friend nodded at me and went outside to give us some space.

I went to sit across the bed and for almost ten minutes there was silence. I was waiting for her to say something but she was just sitting there staring outside.

“Miss Rivera”, “Mr. Morozov” we both said at the same time and I said, “You go first”.

“Um about last night..” she started but stopped in the middle. I could sense that she must be scared for her safety.

“Go on” I said and just when I thought that she was worried about herself, she said the most unexpected thing.

“Are you hurt anywhere?” She said and finally looked at me with blue eyes.

I was baffled by her question and stayed shut for two minutes as I could not process the situation.

“Forget I asked that”, she said with anxiousness.

“I am totally fine and not hurt” I said to her with a little softness and she looked at me with wide eyes as I patted her head a little.

“Hmm”, she hummed and blushed a little at my touch, embarrassed about her question.

“Also the doctor had suggested we go home now” She nodded at my words and after some time we left for home.

Her brother and friend also followed and she was still not out of the trauma for a whole week.

The whole week, she was just hiding in her room, not communicating with anyone, even her brother.

Her face had become dull and the only time she left her room was to eat and sit on the terrace at night.

Her brother and friend had also left and now only the two of us remained along with the househelp.

It was night and I entered her room seeing her sleeping figure. She looked so peaceful while sleeping but when she woke up, goes into her shell again.

Although I hate women a lot, this woman had me worried sick for her and for a whole week at that.

I sat across the bed and stared at her for a long time.

She looked just like a pearl, white, pretty and well beautiful.

“You are the first one who has made me feel this way, zhemchug(Pearl)”.

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