
4- Attacked

(Lily’s POV)

“Miss Rivera I hope I am clear” Xander said in a cold tone and I scoffed. 

“I will go, you cannot stop me”, I said determinedly. 

It's been a week since he started working for me and honestly, it was a mess. 

He was way too indulged in his job and even banned my morning walks and evening visits to the park. 

If that was not enough he is now adamant to make me work from home and not even step outside. 

“Okay but if things go south then you are working from home” He said finally after so much convincing. 

Just as much I like his face I hate his personality. If he could be a little sweet then it would have been a different story but he is rude as hell. 

And when I say rude I mean it. 

Once we went to the park and he shoved away a five-year-old child who came to say hi. 

“We are leaving(Russian) ” he said and I exited my main door. 

We sat in the car and on the way I grabbed a coffee to lighten my mood. 

“Would you like some?” I said in a mocking tone as a certain someone was staring at me while I peacefully drank my coffee. 

“Don't tell me that now the coffee has a invisible pistol inside it” I further added. 

“Coffee does not but your mouth sure has” He replied in a cold tone and expressionless face as always. 

He was driving the car skilfully and my eyes were wandering off to his veiny hand in the middle of our squabble. 

In this one week my desire is getting hard to control, it’s been a while since I fucked. And so Xander’s presence just makes it worse.

Yesterday we were at the office and my employee came a little too close but before I could show him his place, this guy had to jump in.

The guy is in the hospital now with a broken nose and dislocated shoulder.

In his defense, he said, “I was just being cautious”.

And since then he was urging me to just work from home to avoid any further problems. I do understand his concern but I cannot just sit tight at my home while enjoying when my company and employees need me.

“Please make sure to maintain a 10 feet distance with everyone, especially males. Also listen to me or else you will surely die at the hands of that psycho sooner or later”.

“My employees and staff members are all innocent, they have already been proven so”, I said with confidence and he started laughing.

What? He had never even shown a mere expression before and now he is laughing all of a sudden.

I wonder if he is a psycho himself.

He stopped the car as we had reached the company premises, but before I could step out he said something that made me rooted at my place.

Who knows who he is? Can be anyone, your friend, your family, your employee or even me(Russian )”.

He stepped outside the car and after adjusting his blazer, he opened the door for me, while I was staring at him like a lost bird.

“Don’t worry it’s not me, I can assure you that much milyy(darling)”.

I somehow managed to come out of my trance and keep my composure. Well he is right, I need to pay attention to his words a little.

We entered the building and I had started my work immediately as I needed to leave early today. My brother and Alessia are here for a visit.

Everything was going well and then we went in the car going to the restaurant to meet them. It had turned to evening already and Xander was not happy with the situation.

‘Where are you, Lily?’ Texted my brother as we were surely late for the meeting.

‘I’ll be there shortly’, I replied.

“Hey please hurry up, we are alre--” Crash.

Our car suddenly collided with something and I almost jumped in my seat due to the pull.

“Xander, what happened suddenly?” I asked him, being baffled and he held my head and pushed it down while saying, “We are attacked”.

I had started panicking and hid in the backseat while looking up straight as Xander took out the gun and just when he was about to step out, I held his hand.

“No it is dangerous, how can you go alone?” I uttered slowly and he looked at me like I was a fool.

Just when I thought a taunt was coming my way, he put his hand on my head and said in a slow and deep voice.

“I am trained in this, don’t worry. Be a good girl and keep your head low.” He said with softness and it was the first time I had listened to this side of him.

It was soothing and I stopped panicking instantly, feeling comforted by his words.

He went away outside the car and I just put my head low, covering my ears while gunshots were fired.

My tears started flowing even before I knew it.

I was scared not for myself, but for the person protecting me right now.

It had been quite some time now and the gunshots had stopped, but still, I kept myself hidden and my trembling state was really bad.

I hated gunshots and murderers, my strong cover crumbles badly when I remember that night.

It was the same as that day, I was scared, my body trembling and my tears flowing while I hid in the backseat of the car covering my ears.

Click, I heard the door opening and I froze at the spot. I could not muster up the courage to look up and then I felt that I was in the air.

My body was lifted and I confusedly looked at Xander who had carried me. I looked at him with wide eyes but still, my mind was blank with the events that occurred.

“We are safe(Russian)” I heard him say and that was when I relaxed a bit.

“Y-you are ..” before I could finish the words I felt everything darken around my eyes and my head started spinning.

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