


The memory of the young teenage girl named Elaine Ozark was a bit hazy. She couldn’t remember much except for the loud blaring of guns and people shouting, and also the warmth of Asher’s hands that cupped her ears.

Those hazy memories felt like a dream to her, like an illusion that her panicked self probably imagined, like what she did most of the time. But if what she experienced—those anxiousness and those fears—was a trick on her mind, then…

“Is this place a trick of my mind too?” She mumbled, one hand at her chin as she pondered. The amount of blood gushing to her ankle didn’t faze her anymore, much like the sensation of thick blood spraying on her body and face. The most she did when that metal scented liquid sprayed on her face as it poured down filling the membranous floor was a gasp, because some of the liquid entered her mouth.

“Ugh…” She wiped her lips with her clothless

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