


It was two in the afternoon, and I was beyond exhausted. I had to leave very early in the morning because I had a meeting to attend, and now what I wanted to do was get done with work and finally go home.

With a sigh, I flipped through some files when a commotion from outside caught my attention.

“You can’t go in there.” The voice of my secretary calls out panic just as the door to my office is pushed open and the one person I wish not to see walks in, followed by my very alarmed secretary.

“I’m sorry, sir; I tried to stop her.” Thomas says, giving me a worried look.

I cast a glance at Yvonne, who was dressed in a skanky ass dress. with my jaw clenched, trying to control my anger before returning my gaze back to Thomas. “It’s okay, Thomas. I will take it from here.”

Thomas nods, casting Yvonne a disapproving look before making his way out of my office, making sure to close the door behind him.

“What are you doing here?” I growled out, and my eyebrows furrowed together.
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