
Chapter 40: Breakfast & Roses


Chapter 40: Breakfast & Roses


I woke up the next day in Alessandro and I's bedroom, alone. I knew this wasn't the room I fell asleep in last night which told me Alessandro brought me here.

I sat up slowly, letting out a yawn still feeling tired from last nights' activities, my eyes caught the sight of a note that sat on the bedside table, I reached for it, reading it.

I'm in the kitchen making breakfast, there are some clothes in the bathroom so you can take a shower.


I smiled brightly deciding to take a shower, when I stood I could feel a slight pain in my legs which was caused by the positions I had decided to try out last night.

Just like Alessandro said clothes were in the bathroom, but it was not my clothes it was his, boxers and shirt. I made a mental note to unpack the boxes

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