
Chapter 5

Jenna slowly turned around to face the man. He was tall and dressed in clothes they would wear 500 years ago. Cloth pants that were brown and a white one-piece shirt. She eyed him slowly, “I just came to marvel at this clock again.” 

The man smiled, “Aye,” He said, “She is a beauty, isn’t she?”

Jenna nodded, “Could you tell me more about the story of the time travel?” she asked. 

The man nodded, “Yes. I am Angelo, by the way. The clock's keeper.” Jenna smiled wearily; this guy was a little creepy. He continued, “It has been said that this clock can send those true of heart back in time to fight for what they want. To change who they are, to become more. The legend says; that a young girl used this very clock to do just that. The legend says she was the queen of this castle, Queen Angela.” 

Jenna looked at the clock and then looked at the picture by it. Queen Angela stood by the clock; she posed for this picture. She looked marvelous; her long gown was to the floor, and the jewels from her crown sparked. "Wow, so she used this to become a Queen?” 

Angelo nodded, “Well, kind of. The legend says she went back in time and put herself in the future king’s path. He fell in love with her, and the rest is history.”

Jenna smiled, “So it was almost like a trick?” 

Angelo grinned, “almost. The legend says she was a maid in the castle before all of this happened. She didn’t like her life, so she used the clock to change it.” Jenna nodded as she ran her hand over the wood. Angelo smiled, “Do you like your life?” he asked. Jenna looked around her; no one was in the room but the two of them. She wasn’t quite sure this guy was normal; it seemed like he had a few screws loose. 

She sighed and looked up at him, “It's okay, I guess.” 

Angelo smiled, “Would you travel back in time to make a new future, a new destiny?” Jenna smiled at the thought, and that was all it took; suddenly, the room began to spin, and the clock rang out, ding, ding, ding. 

What was happening? She whirled around the room, or so it felt. When the spinning finally stopped, she looked around the room; all the clocks in the exhibit were gone. The clock was still beside her, but the room had changed completely. Elegant drapes covered the windows and chairs. Angelo stood on the other side of the clock. “What happened?” asked Jenna. 

Angelo smiled, “Why my dear, you can change your destiny.”

Jenna looked up confused, “I don’t understand.” She stated.

"You just time-traveled, back in time," stated Angelo.

Jenna looked shocked, “what? No, I didn’t!”

Angelo nodded, “You did. Make the most of it.” Jenna ran towards him, but he disappeared. Then, she suddenly heard armored footsteps coming towards her.

Five guards walked in and surrounded her, “Who are you? How did you get In here?” One of the guards demanded, his armor slightly more ornate than the other four.

Jenna fell silent; this had to be a dream, and there was no way this was real. "Wake up, Jenna!” she said, but nothing happened. Finally, she pinched her arm, and yet still, nothing happened. 

The lead guard grabbed her by the arm, “You don’t want to talk, huh? Maybe some time in the dungeons will persuade you!” Jenna didn’t know what to say as the guards took her to the dungeons. They opened a cell and threw her in; it was dark and cold down here. She could hardly see anything from the one torch that was lit. The guard slammed the cell door and walked away, “Tell the king and queen we have an intruder!” The men ordered one of his other guards as they walked off. Jenna sat in silence; what in the hell just happened? 

Her phone! She could use her phone to call for help! She reached into her pocket, but it was no longer there. She looked down, and when she time-traveled, her clothes were also changed. Her phone was gone, and, in this era, there wouldn’t even be phones. In this era, she wouldn’t know anyone! She began to panic. Time travel wasn’t real; this had to be a dream!

 Wake up, Jenna! Wake up! Tears began to flow from her eyes, “what just happened?” she asked herself. The dungeons were dark and cold; the torch gave little light and didn’t let her see much. She looked around and soon realized she wasn’t alone.

“Who are you?” a deep voice came. Jenna looked up; she could only make out a faint outline of a man.

“I’m Jenna, “she replied. The man's voice came closer to her until he was closer to her side of the bars, “My name is Clay.” 

Jenna nodded, “why are you in here?” she asked, worried.

Clay smiled, and his eyes turned bright green, “for being a dragon, of course. What are you?” Jenna froze, a dragon? Dragons weren’t real. 

She hesitated, “I’m a human.” 

Clay roared with laughter, “Of course you are! I can smell that. I was messing with you.”

Jenna was quiet and asked, “Dragons are real?” 

Clay laughed again, “girl, where have you been? There’s a war going on; we are all fighting for this castle, dragons, werewolves, witches, and vampires. “ 

Jenna couldn’t believe what she had just heard, “But none of those things are real.” 

Clay side-eyed her, “You are literally looking at one right now.”

Jenna smacked herself across the face, “WAKE UP” she screamed at herself.

Clay confusedly looked at her, “this isn’t a dream.” 

Jenna nodded, “I’m beginning to see that.” She said flatly. 

Clay looked at her, “how is it that you don’t know any of this? This war has been going on for six years. The queen wants all supernaturals to be extinct.” 

Jenna sighed, “Because I’m not from this timeline.” 

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