
Hearts Unbroken
Hearts Unbroken
Author: Uniquely Yours

You've Been Warned

It was a day in September, a day that Tippa will never forget. She had been warned, and you know what they say when you don’t heed warnings: A hard head makes for a very soft and sore behind. Tippa Wilson had no idea how far her fiancé’s parents would go to stop her from marrying their son. She and her family had been threatened. They have caused Tippa to lose her job. She was offered bribes of a large sum of money to end their engagement and disappear. But she never imagined they would go even further on the wedding day. 

“I was surprised and happy at first when I realized it was my fiancé’s mother at my apartment door. She came unannounced, and of course, I was nervous. I wasn’t appropriately dressed for her visit. I wore jeans and a T-shirt, and my hair was a mess; I tried to quickly make myself look presentable with no success.

So, I reluctantly invited her in. You could feel her air of importance. I knew I was being judged, as she hesitated to step across the door sill as if I had bugs crawling around or something.

 I excitedly welcomed her into my home and offered her a seat. 

“Oh, my God, Mrs. Kincaid, it’s good to see you. How are you? Please come in.”

You would not believe she opened her purse, took out a handkerchief, and snapped it unfold, to spread out across my couch before taking a seat.

I wanted to say you have some nerve! I couldn’t tell, the woman who was going to be my new mother-in-law that, especially since I didn’t know why she was at my place. So, I bit my tongue and ignored it. 

“May I offer you, Mrs. Kincaid, a cup of coffee, or better yet, a cup of hot tea?" I knew she would flat-out refuse it. 

 “No, that won't be necessary.”

From the tone of her voice, she made me nervous. I could tell this wasn’t a friendly visit. I started to recall our earlier conversation when I first met his parents. It was at Ross’s graduation from medical school. She inquired as to who I was and why I had attended the ceremony. Then she told me. 

“I’m very particular about who my son associates with, so if you have any other intentions, I think it’s best you leave.”

She seemed to relax when I told her we were only friends. But since then, we have become far more than friends. You see, now we are engaged, and I’m assuming she’s heard the news from Ross, and that’s why she’s here at my place.

I didn’t know exactly what I did to deserve a face-to-face visit. Was she here to congratulate me? I doubt that but I can only hope, or was it something else? Well, she didn’t mince any words.

“Young lady, I've only met you once, and I was hoping it was the last time. I thought I had made myself clear. I don’t know if you are dense or what.” 

I was stunned at her words as I looked into Mrs. Kincaid's eyes. They looked like a deep blue lagoon—piercing blue and ice-cold.

I managed to utter. “Excuse me, ma’am. No, I’m not dense, but your son and I feel we are two adults here. I’m sure Ross shared our feelings for one another and our position with you and your husband?” 

She chuckled. “I see you don’t know my son after all.”

 “What do you mean? I know that Ross loves me, and nothing isn’t wrong with that.” 

“Look! Young lady, I don’t know how you were raised, and frankly, I don’t care. But Ross is obedient to his father and me. And if you think you are going to change that, you have another thing coming.”

“I don’t understand, why is it so wrong for us to be together? We love one another and want to get married.” 

“Married! Married? Not over my dead body!” 

“Why? I don't understand. You haven't gotten to know me.” 

“I don't need to know you, but I know you don’t fit the bill or the Kincaid standards. We’ve already selected someone for him who is beautiful, witty, funny, and a great partner. She would be good for the family business and would be able to handle all the necessary social functions. But most of all, she gets along great with our family and friends.” 

“No disrespect. But what’s wrong with me? I’m more than capable of doing that and much more!  Please don’t judge me before you get to know me. Please give me a chance.” 

“Why should I lower my standards to give someone like you a chance? Look around! All this poorness is appalling! You don’t have anything to offer my son! You are not of his class or status. Let’s just end things peacefully. You go your way, and I will make it worth your while.”  Mrs. Kincaid says, sliding a thick envelope across the small coffee table. 

I shook my head, no! I was highly offended. “I can’t be bribed, Mrs. Kincaid; I love your son, and he loves me, and we are going forward with our wedding plans.” 

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Mrs. Kincaid looked at me as her eyes turned to fiery coals. Snatching up the envelope off the table! As she left my apartment. She was angered by my pride, stubbornness, and flat-out refusal of her lucrative offer. Wait a minute…

The Tippa Wilson's story doesn’t begin here, as with all love stories they can begin cliche and end that way. But not Tippa’s. It goes far deeper than what she’s told you so far. And this is not how her relationship with Ross Kincaid started. You see, Tippa tried to resist Ross initially, but his charming persistence won her over at the end of the day. Tippa had unexpectedly met this very handsome, charismatic young medical student at her part-time job one day. 

Tippa had just recently moved from New Orleans to New York after the death of her parents, who were in an awful car crash. It happened right after she graduated from business college. She loves her city; it is fun-loving, and the people are warm and friendly, down to earth, and the food is divine. But once her parents were gone. Tippa had no reason to stay, the sadness and memories were overwhelming, and she needed to be around her family, so she moved to New York.

She was hoping her move to New York would be a renewal of life for her, but it turned out to be anything but nurturing and healing. Little did Tippa Wilson and Ross Kincaid know their love would be tested in a way they could have never imagined in a million years. What these two star-struck lovers will have to endure will be unbelievable events that are heart wrenchingly shocking!  

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Uniquely Yours
good start, you got my attention.

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