
Taking Payne to home


When Damon emerged from the studio, his anger only intensified upon realizing Jasmine was nowhere in sight. He jumped into his car and started driving, his irritation mounting with each passing second. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted her walking briskly along the footpath.

Damon slowed the car and rolled down the window, shouting, "Get in the car, Jasmine!"

Jasmine shot him a furious glance but kept walking. "I told you not to hurt him, Damon. You almost killed that man!"

Damon clenched the steering wheel, his frustration bubbling over. He braked hard, jumped out of the car, and sprinted to catch up with her. "Jasmine, I lost control. I didn't mean to scare you," he said, matching her pace.

"Go away!" she snapped, not breaking her stride.

"Stop!" Damon moved in front of her, forcing her to halt. "I admitted I made a mistake. But it’s just—"

"I said leave me alone!" Jasmine shouted, shoving him hard. But Damon seized the moment, pulling her into a tight embrac


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