
The way to save her mother


"Jasmine, I know it's tough, but crying won't change things," the woman said softly, setting down a steaming cup of tea in front of Jasmine, who remained huddled by the window, tears streaming down her face.

Jasmine's voice cracked with anguish as she bared her soul to Nadia. "I... I can't see a way out, Nadia," she whispered, her words weighted with despair. "I don't own anything valuable to sell, and even if I land a job in some corporate office, it won't come close to covering my mother's treatment. I'm just so exhausted," she admitted.

"I wish I could offer you a solution, Jasmine. Even if I could get you a job at my office, it wouldn't be enough to cover your mother's treatment," she said softly, her hand resting tenderly on Jasmine's shoulder, offering what comfort she could. "And I... I don't have any savings to help you out either," Nadia confessed, her own heart heavy with helplessness.

"It's alright, Nadia. I appreciate your willingness to help, especially when my own father has turned his back on us," Jasmine murmured, her eyes cast downward as she struggled to contain her tears. "I just don't understand why God puts such people in our lives, teaching us the hardest lessons and making us question whether we ever truly knew or understood them, despite years of love and companionship," she lamented.

"Jasmine, your mom's always been too forgiving towards your dad," Nadia sighed, a weight in her voice as she spoke. "This isn't the first time he's shown his true colors to both of you," she gently pointed out, knowing that every time Jasmine met with her, tears inevitably followed as she poured out her heart about her mother's struggles.

Jasmine's face was tinged with a melancholy realization as she reflected on her mother's unwavering love.

"I know," she began, "But she loved him, despite being deceived by him." Her gaze wandered beyond the window as if searching for answers on the distant horizon.

"Hmm, Jas, there's something I need to tell you, but honestly, I'm not really keen on it," Nadia admitted, her hesitation evident in her tone as she carefully chose her words. "It's just that... well, I feel like I should share it with you," she continued, her reluctance showing through her pause.

"What is it?" Jasmine asked, giving close attention to Nadia's reluctance.

"A billionaire owns our company, but he never showed his face, so no one knows his appearance. There are rumors that he is searching for the ideal surrogate to bear his kid. And let me tell you, the amount he's willing to offer is beyond anything you could imagine.".

"How much!" Jasmine inquired, her eyes lighted up with many queries.

"120,382 dollars!" Nadia sighed as she spoke, realizing that telling Jasmine about it was a grave error given that Jasmine was now willing to do anything for money.

"It's a lot!" An inkling of hope flared in Jasmine, and she mumbled.

"But it's quite a burden for someone as young as you," Nadia expressed, her concern etched in her voice. "Moreover, they seek out extraordinary women who fulfill every criterion to carry his child, given his genetic condition. Countless women have tried and failed to meet these standards. So, you must tread carefully!" Nadia's words were laced with concern, especially considering Jasmine's tender age of 18; the notion of bearing a child at such a juncture was undeniably disconcerting.

"Well, I've exhausted every option to save my mother. This seems like the path I must take, regardless of the outcome," Jasmine confided, her hand reaching out to grasp Nadia's hand.

"Jas... Uh!" Nadia paused, her expression tense. "Okay, let me chat with Molly. She knows what needs to be done, but you can't breathe a word to anyone. There are heaps of rules, and these folks are super private!"

"Your mom will never forgive me!" Nadia hugged Jasmine.

"She won't, 'cause whatever you're doing is to lend me a hand," Jasmine assured, giving Nadia's back a comforting pat as she sensed her guilt.

Nadia continued to be reluctant; dread and remorse were clearly visible on her face, as though she was secretly condemning herself for telling Jasmine about this.

"I need that money, Nadia. You didn't do anything wrong," Jasmine reassured, her voice carrying a mix of urgency.

"Hmm... Molly, she's someone I usually chill with at the office, you know? Well, one day, she got a bit tipsy and let slip this... this weird thing to me," Nadia confided in Jasmine, how she stumbled upon the surrogacy matter.

"I'm crossing my fingers for the best. Otherwise, I'm at a loss for who else to reach out to for help," Jasmine said, her voice filled with hope.


On that very day, Molly brought Jasmine to an elderly man, who scrutinized Jasmine from head to toe before speaking sternly, "Who is she to you, Molly? Or are you just picking up random girls to claim the reward? Let me make this clear, this is not a game!"

"No, sir, she's my cousin-sister," Molly replied, swallowing nervously as the man before her seemed to pierce through her intentions.

The man listened to Molly, but his gaze remained fixed on Jasmine, who nervously clenched her fist, sensing that he might dismiss her without giving her a chance.

But then Jasmine heard the man's words, "The girl is far too beautiful to be your cousin-sister, Molly."

"I won't waste our time with idle chatter, as neither of us will benefit from knowing about each other. Before we proceed with our business, I need you to sign some papers," the man said to Jasmine, his tone business-like and to the point.

"What will be on the paper?" Jasmine felt compelled to know.

"If you emerge as a desirable candidate, you will remain under observation for the remainder of the month until the kid is born. But if you attempt to talk to anybody about this, we will not think twice about shooting you to death. So, you have time to ponder before getting in," the man explained.

"What guarantee do I have that you'll actually pay the amount you promised?" Jasmine asked, needing clarity on the matter.

"So you're not afraid of the potential danger, you're more concerned about the money?" the man countered, observing Jasmine closely.


"Money is the sole reason I'm here!" Jasmine declared confidently, her eyes shining with determination. "And yes, I do feel fear, but not dying.

"Half of the money will be transferred to your account once you're confirmed as the perfect candidate we're seeking, and the remaining half will be given to you after the birth of the child. I believe that should assure you," the man explained, outlining the payment plan.

"Okay!" Jasmine satisfactorily nodded her head.

"Let's head to the hospital. Our personal physician will take care of everything," the man said to Jasmine, then turned to Molly, adding sternly, "You can leave, but remember to keep your mouth shut if you want to avoid any trouble."

As Molly departed, the man ushered Jasmine into the car. Throughout the entire exchange, Nadia had been listening intently over the phone, as Jasmine had decided to keep her informed about every detail of the situation.

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