
Forty- nine


I made my way back to the small, cozy table where Star and Martha had once sat, their absence leaving a void in the air.

Anger coursed through my veins, fueling my determination to confront Martha, even though deep down, I questioned whether she would be willing to engage in a conversation with me.

As I approached the table, a heavy sigh escaped my lips, a poignant gesture that mirrored the weight of my emotions. I couldn't help but turn my gaze towards the window, seeking solace in the outside world. The view outside seemed to reflect the turmoil within me as if nature itself understood my inner turmoil.

Just as I was lost in my thoughts, my phone pierced the silence with a sudden beep. The sound jolted me back to reality, interrupting my contemplation. Curiosity piqued, I reached for my phone, eager to see who had reached out to me in this moment of emotional turmoil.


See you at Jer’s

Surprised and taken aback, I couldn't help but blink in shock as the message appeared
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Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
ah man seriously why can't Alex not be left alone.

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