

Alex POV

*mature content*

*long ass chapter ahead*

After my shower,I get out and wrap a towel around my body. I look in the mirror and smile at myself. I'm glowing.

After the picture Mason sent me,I couldn't stop smiling. The picture. I was going to ask him about that but his beauty destracted me.

I plug my blowdryer in and dry my hair. When I am satisfied with the outcome I unplug it and store it away.

I go into my room and look for underwear. The sexy ones.

I have done a lot of important thinking and I have decided that I am losing my virginity tonight!

Yay! I'm scared as fuck.

We have been together for almost four months and I experienced my first heat,which sucked.

Losing my virginity is like killing two birds with one stone. I don't have to experience that excruciating pain again and I can be closer to Mason. I love him and I want to do this with him.

I find a white set in lace Brazilian-style. I put them on and think to myself that I will be touched. The white symbolizes the
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