

Allie's POV

"Death?!" he yelled in surprise. "I'm sorry" he apologizes covering his mouth. "I don't know about that, but he can't be...dead" he stuttered.

"Let's go" I presided over, blocking myself from sparing a deep thought on Austin's words. I stared at the vacant seat of Austin's secretary and continued walking towards the elevator.

Before exiting the building, I phone-called Layla if we could meet up but unfortunately, she had a shooting project out of the company. I sighed tiredly and sauntered out.

The sun had already begun to set since we had to drive for two hours before getting here. Approximating it with the time we had wasted here and before we get home, we should arrive at the mansion around 7:00 pm or more.

I sighted the car Aaron had taken this morning at the car park indicating that he was back from work. I hurried inside to meet him watching the news on the flat-screen television while sprawled on the couch.

"How are you doing, wifey?" he questioned with a smile
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