
I Got You - Coastal Wolves Series
I Got You - Coastal Wolves Series
Author: VTR

The Island Escape

The ferry cut through the crystal-clear waters, its sleek hull slicing through the gentle waves with ease. As the sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a golden hue over the island of St. John, a sense of anticipation filled the air.

Among the handful of passengers stood Delia, a 23 year old woman with long black hair dancing in the wind, her emerald green eyes filled with hope for the future, her heart heavy with the weight of her past.

The journey to St. John had been long and arduous. Delia had boarded planes and boats, traversing vast distances with a single purpose in mind: to find refuge on the tranquil shores of this small island.

With each passing moment, the island drew closer, its lush greenery and pristine beaches beckoning to her.

Gripping the railing tightly, her heart raced with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. This island wasn’t just an escape—it was an opportunity to flee from the shadows of her past that had unexpectedly returned to haunt her once again.

Unwelcome memories flooded her mind, threatening to engulf her in their dark embrace. She had endured violence, loss, and betrayal, emerging from the darkness stronger and more resilient than ever.

That chapter of her life felt like a distant nightmare, one she had fought hard to overcome. But when her past had resurfaced in Washington DC, disrupting the semblance of normalcy she had fought so hard to build, she knew she had to flee again.

She decided to leave everything and everyone she held dear, including her best friend Riley and her job at the real estate investment firm. Despite her boss’s disappointment at losing a valuable employee, Delia remained steadfast in her resolve.

She couldn’t allow “him” to find her again, couldn’t bear the thought of being dragged back into a life she had worked so hard to leave.

Why was he still looking for her? She had left the cold desolate life when she turned 18 and now five years later, his cronies were still trying to sniff her out. She made a few quick phone calls to her contacts in the real estate industry and was able to secure a seemingly beautiful villa in an obscure underrated island.

As the ferry docked and Delia stepped onto the wooden pier, a warm breeze welcomed her arrival, carrying with it the scent of salt and hope?!?

A man approached her, his sandy blonde hair ruffled by the wind, his easy smile disarming. Towering over six feet tall, he was boyishly handsome, his light grey linen suit accentuating his muscular form.

Delia couldn’t help but wish her white blouse wasn’t as rumpled, and she hadn’t been traveling for over 48 hours.

"You must be Delia," he said, extending a hand. "I'm Ethan, an associate of Mr. Donovan, the landlord of your rental villa."

Delia nodded, her green eyes narrowing slightly as she took in his appearance. “Yes, that's me. How did you know?”

Ethan quirked a brow and said, “We don’t get many outsiders here. It's nice to meet you, Delia.”

Together, they walked along the dock, the sound of seagulls overhead and the gentle lap of waves against the shore. As they reached the end of the dock, a sleek black SUV awaited them, the driver holding open the door with a polite nod.

“Your chariot awaits, milady," Ethan said with a grin, gesturing for her to climb inside. Delia couldn't help but smile at his theatrics, showcasing her deep dimples on either side of her cheeks.

They drove through the winding streets of St. John, passing quaint shops and colorful houses. Delia felt a sense of calm wash over her. Maybe, just maybe, this island could be her salvation, a place where she could finally find peace and happiness for good.


It was almost dark by the time the black SUV pulled up to a small villa perched atop a hill overlooking the spectacular Azure Bay. The driver, Marcus took Delia’s luggage inside as she thanked him.

The ferry had arrived at Cruise Bay, which was on the other side of the island and it took them about 45 minutes through the winding roads to get to her new residence. Delia was so tired that she had accidentally fallen asleep on Ethan’s shoulder during the car ride and woke up slightly embarrassed to Ethan gently shaking her awake.

“Don’t worry, you didn’t drool on me”, he said with a playful humor. Delia rolled her eyes at him, knowing she was going to like Ethan.

They got out of the car and walked towards the villa that was painted a cheerful shade of yellow and surround by tropical foliage. It exuded a sense of warmth and tranquility.

The interior of was a symphony of light and color, designed to complement the natural beauty of its surroundings. The open living area with large windows was furnished with a plush couch and armchairs adorned with brightly patterned cushions that echoed the colors of the tropical paradise. A coffee table crafted from reclaimed driftwood stood at the center of the room, its weathered surface adding a touch of rustic charm.

In one corner of the room, a cozy reading nook beckoned with a collection of books nestled on a sleek wooden bookshelf. Delia couldn’t resist running her fingers over the spines, marveling at the eclectic mix of titles that ranged from classic literature to contemporary bestsellers.

The kitchen was a chef’s dream, outfitted with state-of-the-art appliances and sleek quartz countertop.

As she explored further, Delia discovered a hallway leading to the bedroom, which was a sanctuary unto itself, decorated in soothing colors and furnished with a sumptuous bed and adorned with crisp white linens.

Delia stepped out on the expansive veranda, her gaze drawn to the breathtaking panorama. Her green eyes widened in awe as she took in the stunning view of the bay below, the shimmering water dotted by a number of boats.

Beyond the bay, several smaller islands were scattered in the horizon, their emerald-green peaks rising majestically from the ocean. She had never seen anything more beautiful!

"Welcome to your new home," Ethan said, a smile playing on his lips as he watched her exploring the villa. "I hope you'll find it to your liking. You must have important connections to have landed this place.”

Delia nodded, "It's beautiful," she murmured, her gaze lingering on the private swimming pool next to the veranda. "I can only imagine how spectacular the sunrises must be from here."

Ethan chuckled. "You'll have to see for yourself. They're truly breathtaking." He added, “By the way, I’ve taken the liberty to stock the fridge with some basic groceries to get you started.”

"Thank you, Ethan," Delia said, her voice filled with genuine appreciation. "You've been so kind."

"It's my pleasure," Ethan replied with a warm smile. "Is there anything else I can assist you with?"

Delia hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Actually, would you mind taking me to the car rental place tomorrow? I want to get a car to get around the island."

"Of course," Ethan said, nodding. "Consider it done. I’ll pick you up at 9 am."

He paused, studying Delia for a moment, taking in her petite form and the quiet confidence she carried herself with. Her delicate features were highlighted by sudden dimples when she smiled, making her one of the most beautiful women he’d ever laid eyes on.

Yet, there was something about her that he couldn’t quite put his finger on, a sense that she might not be entirely who she claims to be. Nevertheless, he felt a strong connection to her and an instinctual urge to protect her at all costs.

“Would you like to go get some dinner before settling in to unpack? There's a nice restaurant not too far from here." Ethan suggested.

Delia shook her head, with a faint smile. "Thank you, but I think I'll pass. I just want to get settled in and unpacked."

"Understood," Ethan said. "Well, if you need anything else, don't hesitate to ask. Here’s my card. I'll let you get settled in. Have a good evening."

With a polite nod, Ethan took his leave, leaving Delia alone in the villa. She stood in the doorway of the veranda, watching the last rays of sunlight fade into the horizon.

This island, with its stunning vistas and warm hospitality, already felt like home. And as she gazed out at the bay, she knew that she had made the right decision in coming here. She always wanted to live an island life, she always had yearned to be under the tropical sun and this was her ultimate chance!

Delia wasted no time in locating her suitcase and rummaging through it to find her bathing suit. She pulled out a white one-piece halter with a plunging neckline, a favorite of hers. With a smile on her face, she quickly changed and made her way to the pool, eager to take a dip and unwind after the long journey.


The cool water enveloped her as she eased herself into the pool, a sense of relaxation washing over her with each stroke. Delia closed her eyes and leaned back against the edge of the pool, basking in the warmth of the tropical evening.

As she floated lazily on her back, her gaze drifted to the house next door — actually a huge mansion perched up higher on the hill overlooking the entire bay. Delia couldn't help but wonder who lived there.

Curiosity piqued, she swam closer to the edge of the pool, craning her neck to get a better view. Lights glowed softly from within, contrasting against the darkening sky. Delia couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this house than met the eye.

After leisurely swimming for about an hour, she finally emerged from the pool, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. With a contented sigh, she made her way back inside.

She ventured into the bedroom and then towards the en-suite, which she had yet to explore, discovering both an indoor and outdoor shower—a pleasant surprise that brought a smile to her face. She opted for the indoor shower and wasted no time in peeling off her bathing suit and stepping into the warm cascade of water.

A citrusy scent of shampoo filled the air as Delia lathered up her hair, the rich lather soothing her scalp and leaving her feeling refreshed. After she got out of the shower, she quickly dried her long dark tresses and fished out a pair of pajamas from her luggage.

Dressed in blush pink pajama shorts and a matching loose-fitting camisole, Delia made her way into the kitchen, her stomach growling with hunger. She opened the fridge and found it stocked with an array of ingredients, perfect for making a sandwich.

Satisfied with her meal, she piled her long black hair into a high bun and set about tackling the daunting task of unpacking her large suitcases.

It was almost past midnight by the time Delia finally finished, her body weary but her spirits buoyed by the sense of accomplishment. She crawled into bed, pulling the covers up to her chin and curling into a comfortable position.

Just before she drifted off to sleep, a haunting sound pierced the silence of the night—it sounded like wolf's howl echoing not too far away. Delia's eyes widened in surprise but her body’s exhaustion won over and she succumbed into a dreamless slumber.

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