

Aubrey's Pov

The next few days flew past us like a rocket. I began to learn how to fight. According to Mr. Knight, it was something that j should have learned since but I was too lazy.

When they say that couples couldn't successfully teach each other somethings, I thought it was a lie. And yes, I finally agreed to be his mate. Although, we had no done you know what and I was still scared of him marking me. Not because I didn't want to be with him but I heard that the pain was massive and sex followed afterward most times.

He had been touchy-feely and I didn't want to push him over the top. If wolves could attest to the pain who was I? A human not to feel it ten times. So we were taking things slowly. " Duck!" He said but I didn't hear him fast and his fist stopped very close to my face.

" What the hell, you don't want your opponent knocking you out " He said angrily and I sighed.

"She reminds me of Ellie when she was still young." A voice said from the doorway and I turned to see
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