
Chapter 35

XURDEN woke up at the sound of Sebastian calling him. His henchman was not loud, but he could hear him clearly. He opened his eyes, looking for Yric because he was no longer in his arms. His arm felt numb and told him it was just been a few moments when the younger left his room. He tried moving and found he could swing his body. Yric helped remove the poison from him. Now that he was thinking about it, he wondered how big Yric’s knowledge was about things. He sat straight, massaging his numb arm. The storm was still breaking the night outside.

“What is it?” Xurden asked as shifted his eyes at his assistant.

“I thought something happened to you while we were out. I came here to check after I saw Yric came out of your room,” Sebastian told the man. “But looking at you now, you seem fine.”

“When did he leave?”

“A minute ago,” Sebastian answered him. “Why would Yric stay here? What did the two of you do?”

He stared at his assistant because he felt like something’s brewing in Sebastian’s
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