

Even though she was supposed to go to Venus' house at four o'clock in the afternoon, she was already outside the woman's house and was already ringing the doorbell even though it was only two o'clock in the afternoon. Venus already instructed her housemaid to expect her presence ahead of time because she left early in the morning for their final rehearsal.

The young maid immediately greeted her and let her in when she told the maid her name. She let her in and made her sit in the living room first. She said that Venus's make-up artist friend will come there in the afternoon to assist her.

As she looked around inside the model friend's house, the maid returned to the living room.

"Maam Natasha, the gown is in Maam Venus' room. Maybe you want to take a look. I'll accompany you there."

Her chest suddenly throbbed with extreme excitement. She stood up and smiled at the maid then followed. They went upstairs where Venus' large room was. She immediately saw the gown worn on a mannequin that was in the very middle of the woman's bedroom.

She even covered her mouth while staring at the gown in amazement.

" Nice!" she exclaimed.

"Yes. It's really nice. You'll wear it?" the maid seemed to be in doubt, she asked in an astonished tone but she just ignored it.

Her attention was more focused on the stunning gown. Royalty is the theme of the masquerade ball so she expected that the attire of the visitors will be really pompous. She didn't think she would be among those who could wear such clothes.

"All right, Maam. I'll leave you here first and I'll just finish what I'm doing. Just wait for Madam Fenny, your make-up artist," the maid said goodbye.

"Thank you," she turned to her but her eyes immediately returned to the gown that she will be wearing later.

"Do you want something to eat or drink at all?" the maid remembered to ask her.

She just shook her head as she smiled at her.

The maid left her alone in the room right after she made her excuse. She approached the mannequin and her hands that were holding the gown still seemed to tremble. Her every touch on the glowing dress was very careful. It has a lot of decoration that makes it shine. It was also long so she thought the dress would cover her two feet.

She still couldn't believe it as she couldn't take her eyes off the very grand dress. She wanted to try it on but she was afraid that she might break it. That's why Venus doesn't want it to be piled up somewhere only because the dress deserves to be seen by everyone.

But wouldn't it look ordinary if she was the one wearing it?

She shook her head. She does not want to think negative thoughts.

She also stayed in the room for more than thirty minutes just to take a good look at the gown. She went out of the room because she might not be able to control herself from trying it on. She was restless as she sat on the sofa and stared at the time.

Eventually, her phone rang.

"Hi, Nat! Oh, Have you seen the gown? It's beautiful, isn't it? It would really look good on you. I'm excited to see you wearing that. I was not able to call you right away because we're busy with practice. It's only a ten-minute break. I was just checking on you," Venus was the one on the other line.

"That's nice. Are you really going to let me wear your design?" she was still hesitant.

"Sure. Actually, you were the one I thought of while making that gown. That's why I know, the gown would fit you perfectly."

"Thank you, Venus, huh?" she said sincerely.

"Hmm, don't let our tears start to fall now. Oh, she's calling us again. Fenny is supposed to be going there at this time. Fenny would make you even more beautiful."

Before she could answer, Venus already dropped the call in a hurry when she heard someone calling her name.

Before four o'clock, Venus' make-up artist's friend arrived.

"Hi! Are you Natasha? I'm Fenny, your friendly make-up artist," the gay man enthusiastically introduced himself when he entered Venus' house and saw her sitting on the long sofa.

"Hi! Sir, I'm Natasha," she immediately stood up and shook hands with him.

"Oh, don't call me "Sir" please. Just call me Fenny, okay?"

"Okay, F-fenny," she agreed smiling.

She was even more stunned when the gay man's face suddenly became serious as he looked at her hair curled up again like a ball.

"Girl, isn't that a bird's nest? When was the last time your hair got introduced to scissors?"

Absentmindedly, she was already holding the clump of hair above her head when the gay man came over to touch it.

"Ahm, I can't even remember," she simply answered.

"What ?! Oh, we can't have that kind of hair. I can't quite imagine how heavy the luggage you always carry on your head. Look at that," he immediately removed her tie to loosen her hair.

She just let it go too.

"OMG! I want to shave you right away!" exaggerated Fenny said when he saw how long her hair was. 

She shyly smiled at him.

He even swirled around her to look at her whole posture.

"You know what? It's about time for me to introduce your hair to scissors. Fortunately, I also know something about cutting. You see, I'm very talented."

"No! I can't cut my hair!" terrified she said and turned her eyes to him.

"And why not ?!"

It took a few minutes before she could answer. It would really make her grandma angry if she will cut her hair.

"Because ... my grandmother strictly forbids it because she said it might cause me my misfortune if I will cut it."

"What? That's absurd! It's already a misfortune for letting your hair grow so long like that. How many sachets of shampoo and conditioner do you consume per bath?"


"How much time do you spend just combing your hair?"

"Almost an hour."

"See? That's so unfortunate already since you spent more money on shampoos and conditioners. You also wasted almost an hour doing something that can be done in just five minutes. By the way, do you have a boyfriend?" his questions were overlapping already.

She shook her head.

"That's also because of your hair! If you like a man now, don't expect him to like you if you let your hair be like that."

She looked at him quickly when she heard that.

"So, you do like someone already. Do you want that man to notice you?" he immediately predicted based on her reaction.

She nodded three times.

"Then let me cut that hair of yours. That's one of the curses why you don't have a love life."

It made her think for a while.

For Clyde, she could disobey her grandmother.

"So?" he awaits her approval.

She closed her eyes before answering him.

Sorry, Grandma.


Fenny smiled immediately.

She closed her eyes since Fenny started cutting her hair until he was finished. She didn't know how far he had cut but she was afraid to open her eyes.

It takes more than half an hour to cut her long hair.

"You can open your eyes now," she later heard him say.

She slowly opened her eyes and immediately wear the large eyeglasses she was holding.

Her head felt so light!

She quickly leaned over while still looking in the mirror to see how short her hair was now.

Oh no! It's just up to her armpit! She will really be scolded by her grandmother when she sees it.

"If we only had a long time maybe I would have straightened that hair of yours as well."

"Oh no! I'm happy with my curly hair," she replied promptly.

"All right. Take a quick shower to remove the fallen hair from your body. I'll just blow dry your hair afterward so I can start fixing your hair," he ordered.

It was about five o'clock. She should be at the mansion before eight o'clock in the evening. She asked permission from the maid that she would take a bath first before she entered Venus' room again. Fenny also followed her there to prepare his things.

She only took a shower for ten minutes. Fortunately, she was carrying extra undies. She is a girl scout. Always ready!

Fenny let her used Venus' unused bathrobe. She thinks the two are really close because he doesn't hesitate to let her use it without asking Venus' permission. He let her sat in the chair in front of Venus's dresser with a large mirror.

She even combed her hair first. She saw Fenny took a colored cream with a mixture of brown and orange. She was about to refuse when he started putting the colored cream on her hair but he cut her off.

"Hep! It's just a temporary color. Once you take a bath, the color will also be removed from your hair. We need to change the color of your hair for more effect."

She was happy with the color of her hair because her face seemed to glow as well. Fenny made her hair look like a large bun again on top of her head.

Why did he cut her hair if he planned on giving her the same hairstyle?

"You don't need loose hair so your bare shoulders will be emphasized. I've studied the gown so I know your shoulders will be bare. Fortunately, your complexion is smooth," it was as if he was able to read her thoughts when he said that.

He also made some style on her curly hair to make the bun a little extraordinary.

When he was finished with her hair, he turned to her face to fix her thick eyebrows.

"Ouch!" she shouted as he pulled it out.

He just kept doing it until he was satisfied. He also started to put lipstick on her. She also can't see her face clearly in the mirror because she was not wearing her thick glasses when Fenny put some makeup on her.

She sighed a breath of relief when they were finally done.

My God! Is this how the model lives every day? It was really so tiring!

When Fenny was satisfied, he smiled.


She stood up and put on her glasses to see her face clearly in the mirror.

Her eyes widened as she stared at herself in the mirror. Unable to believe what she saw, she took off her glasses then wiped them and put them on again. That's exactly what she saw before.

Is that her? Wow! It's like magic!

"Thank me later, girl. Get dressed and it's almost six-thirty," Fenny left her side and went to the mannequin to remove the dress.

She was forced to take off the glasses again and approached the gay man.

"Okay, put it on. I'll wait for you outside when you get dressed," he carefully laid the dress on the bed.

"So beautiful," she said admiringly as she examined the gown.

He left the room to let her get dressed. She was nervous as she put on the gown.

It was only now that she really felt like she was so beautiful.

Smiling, she delicately touched the fabric of the gown as she was wearing it. She could barely step on her feet as she approached the large mirror again.

Even though the visible image in the lifesized mirror is still blurred, she is already staring stunned at what she sees. She quickly picked up her glasses to see herself clearly again.

"Shit! I'm beautiful!" she was touching both cheeks while staring at herself in admiration.

She even pinched her cheeks to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

"Ouch!" she was awake.

Lord, this is really not a dream! Oh my!

"Hey, girl! Are you done already?" she suddenly heard Fenny shout outside the door.

"You can come in now," she shouted back.

The door opened and Fenny entered again.

He was also stunned and amazed as his gaze was fixed on her.

"I'm really great! I just made a miracle out of you!" he kept shouting while he was not taking his eyes off her.

She laughed at his reaction. He got something from Venus' dresser.

"Before I forget," he said as he put a gold tiara on her head.

She will be a princess tonight and Clyde will be her prince.

Ayyyyy! She also wants to scream but she's just holding back lest the make-up be ruined.

Her smile widened as she let Fenny put the tiara carefully on her head.

"Thank you," she said with all her heart.

"You're welcome. It's nothing. I'm going to charge Venus a lot for the hard work I did to you."

Suddenly her smile faded. Of course, there is a fee for that.

"How much and I'll just pay?"

"Hey, just a joke. Silly!"

She hesitated to smile because it seemed embarrassing that his work was free.

"Put on your shoes so we can already call a taxi."


She even lifted the gown to look at her feet. She was not carrying shoes for the party. She was wearing pink rubber shoes when she went to Venus' house.

Actually, she only had two rubber shoes and five flat shoes of different colors at the boarding house.

" Oh, what?" Fenny asked in astonishment when she stopped.

" I- I don't have shoes," she almost scratched her head but she remembered the hair and it might be messed up so she just lowered her hand before it can do some damage.

"Wow ... Well, don't worry. Venus has a lot of shoes. Come and let's find something that you can wear," he pulled her to a large shoe cabinet.

He looked for shoes that would match the gown she was wearing. He quickly took gold-colored shoes and placed the pair at her feet.

"Try these."

She immediately put on a shoe but was very disappointed when it was too big. Venus is tall, so it's not surprising that the woman's big shoes can't fit her.

Fenny was also shocked when he saw the problem but he immediately picked up another pair of shoes and then let her try again. She wore it even though she knew it was still big.

Oh my goodness!

Fenny and she just stared at each other when she tried more than five shoes.

They became even more troubled when Fenny's phone rang. Venus called and asked for updates. They did not reveal their problem as they talked to Venus. She looked at the time when the phone had been hung up.

It's past seven at night! Where else would she find shoes she could wear?


It was Fenny who closed the taxi door when she got on. She always held the hem of the gown because it might get dirty because it was so long that it would always touch the ground.

"Enjoy the night!" smiling Fenny said as the taxi door closed completely.

On the way to the mansion of the del Espania's she slowly lifted the hem of her gown to look at her feet.

She even swallowed hard when she stared at the pink rubber shoes she was wearing.

Well, who would have known that she was wearing rubber shoes under the gown? For the gown was so long no one can see her feet.

Go, Tasyang!

Those are just shoes. The important thing is that you look like a princess tonight.

She immediately put on the mask that covered half of her face. Only her eyes and lips can be seen. When she looked at herself earlier she knew no one would recognize her.

Smiling, she lowered the hem of her gown again to cover her rubber shoes.

Tonight, I will be your princess, Clyde. Dreamy cry of her heart while the smile still lingered on her lips.

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